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verb | verb | to phrases
устремляющийся prtc.stresses
relig. soaring
устремляться v
gen. rush; tear along; swoop; press forward; gravitate; dart; bear down (к-upon); swoop down (на добычу); thrust oneself; concentrate (on); lance; aspire; be concentrated (on); be fixed (upon); scutter off (suburbian); bear down; flush; haste; hasten; the more haste; the worse speed; pour; set on; set upon; shoot; trundle down; turn; be directed (with на + acc. or к, toward)
Gruzovik head for (impf of устремиться); be directed at/towards (impf of устремиться); be concentrated on (impf of устремиться); be fixed upon (impf of устремиться); concentrate on (impf of устремиться)
account. head
arch. hurl
auto. dash
fig. direct; fix
Makarov. concentrate; fall; swoop down; bear down (on); bear down on; bear down upon; rush along
math. be directed (to); converge (to); tend (to); turn (to)
mil. make a dash (for; к)
obs. throw against; indart; swap; swop
oil rush (о воде)
relig. soar
устремлять v
gen. dart; point; turn; twist; direct; be directed; fasten (взгляд, мысли и т. п.- on upon); rivet (взгляд); fix (one’s gaze, attention, etc.)
austral., slang spark off
auto. dash
Gruzovik, obs. throw troops, etc against (impf of устремить); rush troops, etc against (impf of устремить)
Makarov. concentrate; fasten on (взгляд мысли); fasten upon (взгляд мысли); fix on (взгляд, внимание на ком-либо, чём-либо); fix upon (взгляд, внимание на ком-либо, чём-либо); let something decrease toward; let something increase toward
math. send; turn (to)
mil. throw
obs. endart (Romeo and Juliet: But no more deep will I endart mine eye than your consent gives strength to make it fly. Shabe); indart; rush; throw against
tech. let decrease (toward something / к чему-либо); let increase (toward something / к чему-либо); allow to approach; let approach; let decrease; let increase; make approach
устремляя v
math. getting; setting; putting; if we direct
: 74 phrases in 12 subjects
Figure of speech6
Ice hockey1