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verb | verb | to phrases
устраивать vstresses
gen. give (обеды, вечеринки); be good (with something; вариант требует замены безличной конструкции на личную: I'm good with being single. 4uzhoj); arrange; array; conclude; digest; done; effect; framing; handfast; ordain; order; take effect; trim; trimming; build; sit well; sit well with (sb.); organize; furnish; make; provide; appoint; do; fix up; set up; accommodate; give (обеды, вечеринки); institute; negotiate; sponsor (концерты, митинги и т. п.); throw (вечеринку); locate; serve turn (кого-либо); be OK with (меня это не устраивает=I am not OK with this Tanya Gesse); design (alemaster); organise (Andrew Goff); satisfy (Lenochkadpr); adjust; contrive (свои дела); induct; make up; set (nicknicky777); happy with (работа оборудования заказчика устраивает = the customer is happy with the equipment. Alexander Demidov); arrange for (ssn); line up (мероприятие lexicographer); get; ensconce (с удобством или уютно); hold (мероприятие); construct; settle; engineer; establish; install; place (in a job, school, etc.); put up (in lodgings); put on (напр., танцы Aenigma1988); be fine with something (выражает умеренное согласие с какой-либо ситуацией или точкой зрения, конструкция используется только в утвердительных предложениях – Меня это устраивает spelled); secure; plan; sit well (The impression that Mr Obama wanted to shift responsibility off his shoulders and on to those of Congress did not sit well with everyone in Washington. 4uzhoj); put somebody up for (кому-либо) (что-либо) (отдых и т.п: Time after time, he put you up for serene, private vacations at his vast, palatial spa in the Bahamas andreon); comfortable with (We are comfortable with you... – Нас устраивает то, что вы... coltuclu); instal; suit (вас устраивает это предложение? – does this offer suit you?); stage; get up (в смысле "организовывать"; We like getting up unforgetable New Year parties. – Нам нравится устраивать незабываемые новогодние вечеринки. TarasZ); put; work for (Unless it has three bedrooms, I don't think the house will work for us. Can we find a restaurant that works for all of us? VLZ_58); be fine (with something; требует трансформации: You fine with it? – Sure. 4uzhoj); be happy (кого-либо – with something; требует трансформации: You happy with it? – Sure. 4uzhoj); host (вечеринку VLZ_58)
Gruzovik make arrangements for; build
Игорь Миг cobble together; be alright with
amer. locate (где-либо; кого-либо); sit well with (someone – кого-либо) The whole affair didn't sit well with the manager. Val_Ships)
austral., slang tee up; tee up (в знач. "организовывать", "улаживать": He says he can arrange this real easy and he'll tee it all up this evening.)
busin. suit (smb)
cliche. like it that way (кого-л., что-л.: Politicians don’t directly control one of the biggest factors in housing costs — mortgage rates. And they mostly like it that way, because it gets them off the hook for being blamed for prices soaring or, recently, flattening. -- их в целом это устраивает, так как это освобождает их от ответственности vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
construct. scaffold (леса или подмости); easing (более пологую кривую дороги); floor (настил)
dipl. manage; meet views (кого-либо)
disappr. engage in shenanigans (silly or high-spirited behaviour; mischief (Oxford Dictionary); high-spirited or mischievous activity (Merriam-Webster): I remember spending time on boats down at Mosquito Creek or Lynnwood back in the early 2000s. Carpenters from IATSE, firefighters, loggers even, all had sailboats down there. It was actually pretty low class judging from some of the nightly shenanigans. (Reddit) -- если судить по тому, что они устраивали / вытворяли по ночам • students engaging in youthful shenanigans on the last day of school | take a break from their cruise ship school shenanigans (Merriam-Webster) ART Vancouver)
econ. hold
fig. draw up; be good enough for, suffice or be sufficient for, will do or work as in this will not do (American English Maggie)
Gruzovik, inf. cause (impf of устроить); create (impf of устроить)
Gruzovik, obs. arrange troops (impf of устроить); dispose troops (impf of устроить); set out troops (impf of устроить)
idiom. fit the bill (MargeWebley)
inf. lay on (вечеринку и т. п.); pull off things (We're so glad we have each other because our parents have both passed away. Sometimes we sit and laugh over the things we pulled off as kids. ART Vancouver); show (выставку, спектакль); cause; create (a scene, scandal, etc.); work (обыкн. в конструкции с it); throw (вечер, вечеринку); cut it (Баян)
law fix
Makarov. establish (на должность и т.п.); arrange (предпринимать шаги, планировать); lay (засаду); organize (организовывать); serve someone's turn (кого-либо); fix up (на ночлег); lay upon (вечеринку и т. п.); make arrangements (for); plot out; settle down
Makarov., inf. get under; get up
math. perform; carry out
mil. frame (Киселев)
nautic. square away; square
notar. put in order
O&G, sakh. be amenable (быть подходящим pipa1984)
obs. list (Vadim Rouminsky)
obs., mil. dispose; set out (troops)
seism. sponsor; suit
slang sit well with; plant (махинации)
tech. scaffold (строительные леса или подмости)
torped. accomodate
устраиваться v
gen. arrange; get by; sit down; locate oneself (на квартире, на работе); organise (Andrew Goff); snuggle; get by with; accommodate; build; come right; fix up; get; get a job; get settled (in a house or apartment); make oneself comfortable; put in order; put up; suit; work out; ensconce (с удобством или уютно); ensconce oneself (Ремедиос_П); establish; settle; establish oneself; construct; place; be established (на работе и т.п.); settle down (in a comfortable place); get along; settle in
Gruzovik come right (impf of устроиться); work out (impf of устроиться); get settled (impf of устроиться); make oneself comfortable (impf of устроиться)
fig. pan out
fish.farm. find a place (dimock)
Gruzovik, inf. manage (impf of устроиться); make out (impf of устроиться)
idiom. set up home (на новом месте: Since 2017, roughly 10,000 to 12,000 more British Columbians a year have been leaving Greater Vancouver than moving into it. They’re setting up homes on Vancouver Island and the Thompson-Okanagan. (vancouversun.com) ART Vancouver)
inf. cause; create; make; make out; manage; pan out (Taras)
Makarov. house oneself; organize; settle down; establish one's
nautic. square away
obs., mil. dispose; set out (troops)
устраивая v
math. performing; arranging; carrying out
устраивает v
gen. happy with (segu); okay with that (one is Procto)
Устраивает? v
gen. does that sound good?
устраивайтесь v
gen. make yourself comfortable (Olgalinuschka)
устраивать кого-л. v
inf. be good for (быть приемлемым Abysslooker)
 Russian thesaurus
устраивать v
gen. опуститься до рекордно низкого уровня (As one of Yan’s charts suggests, a big reason housing prices rose so fast in Metro Vancouver and Toronto since 2001 is that mortgage rates (finance) dipped to record lows at the same time population growth (demand) soared and developers were not able to keep up with construction (supply). vancouversun.com ART Vancouver); упасть до рекордно низкого уровня (As one of Yan’s charts suggests, a big reason housing prices rose so fast in Metro Vancouver and Toronto since 2001 is that mortgage rates (finance) dipped to record lows at the same time population growth (demand) soared and developers were not able to keep up with construction (supply). vancouversun.com ART Vancouver)
: 978 phrases in 60 subjects
American usage, not spelling19
Armored vehicles4
Black slang / African-American Vernacular1
British usage, not spelling1
Cliche / convention4
College vernacular1
Humorous / Jocular1
Hydraulic engineering21
Ice hockey1
Information technology1
Mass media5
Oil / petroleum1
Pulp and paper industry2
Road construction1
Road works6
Security systems1
Uncommon / rare1