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gen. date (no object Seem old-fashioned.: the coat may be pricey but it will never date); stale; superannuate; outmode; be out of fashion; go out of date; be out of court; have known better days (Anglophile); get old (Notburga); outlive; be behind the times (о методах, взглядах и т.п.); have had one's day; have seen one's day; become antiquated; become obsolete; become out of date; fall into obsolescence (Bullfinch); obsolesce (malt1640); be outdated (Scorrific); become outdated (grafleonov); aged like milk (His once-popular opinions have aged like milk • The political strategy used during the campaign has aged like milk • This fashion trend aged like milk. It went from chic to cheesy in a year • Their technology aged like milk. It's already obsolete compared to newer models • ...aged like two year old milk – Alex Jones Show Taras)
Gruzovik become out-of-date (pf of стареть)
Игорь Миг outlive one's usefulness
cinema date (TV viewers will see her in another dated soap)
idiom. be dead as a dodo (син.: (as) dead as a doornail, (as) dead as mutton Taras)
inf. crack up; have had it
IT be out of date
Makarov. be out of court (особ. об аргументе)
media. date
obs. grow old
patents. turn old; grow obsolete
slang wash up
устареть: 15 phrases in 4 subjects