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gen. settle; come to stay; be here to stay; settle into shape; anchor; fit in
busin. become established
econ. settle down
fig. jell
| временную структур
 временная структура
IT temporal pattern
| у
gen. near
| панельных данных
 панельные данные
gen. panel data
- only individual words found

verb | verb | to phrases
установить vstresses
gen. glean (The police used old-fashioned detective work to glean his whereabouts.); fix up; stake out ("Perhaps M Train represents the attempt by someone whose career is as public as can be imagined to stake out a zone of inviolable privacy, albeit through the public act of writing a book meant for publication." VLZ_58); cement (suburbian); time (часы); set; fix; ascertain; adjust; elicit; erect; finger; fit; institute; line; plant; specify (he specified the reasons of their failure – он проанализировал причины их неудачи); lay down; deduce (чьё-либо происхождение и т.п.); pitch; observe (Notburga); diagnose; diagnosticate; posit; pose (предмет); arrange; admeasure; come (правду, причины, факты); realize; tune (up); establish; state; determine (The suspect's motive has not been determined, police said. ); mount; settle; document (Козловский Николай); arrive; discover; put; position; source (Tanya Gesse); trace; confirm (наличие) Post Scriptum)
Игорь Миг narrow down
amer. nail down (We haven't been able to nail down the cause of the fire yet. fddhhdot)
astronaut. define; assemble; set on; regulate; make; tune up
comp. set up
construct. set up a strip; raise (нечто высокое: A 30-metre-high Kwakiutl totem-pole was raised in front of the new Maritime Museum in 1958 in honour of the centennial of the founding of the colony of British Columbia. – был установлен ART Vancouver)
dat.proc. derive (igisheva)
dril. locate; seat
fig. clench; clinch
goldmin., min.proc. incorporate (Jewelia)
idiom. put in place (правила jouris-t); put a finger on (Англо-русский фразеологический словарь А.В. Кунина, М., 1984: While it’s hard to put a finger on the exact nature of the actual Hodag, we do have a very accurate history of the legends surrounding the fabled beast. rhinelanderchamber.com ART Vancouver)
intell. rig (To field test the operation, the pub was rigged with hidden cameras and microphones were planted in all tables. – в зале были установлены скрытые видеокамеры ART Vancouver)
IT select (флажок)
law establish (факт); find; adjudge; adjudicate; be satisfied; enact into law; formalize (нормативным актом Alex_Odeychuk)
Makarov. trace back; come at (правду, причины, факты); lay one's finger on something (что-либо); put one's finger on (что-либо)
Makarov., sport. set up (новый рекорд)
math. estimate; recognize; set (up); learn; find out; stipulate; place
media. assert (уровень)
mining. allocate
nautic. raise; trim (трюм); trimming (трюм); step; determinate
notar. establish (e.g., guilt, contact, order, facts); adapt; prove
O&G make up (Пахно Е.А.)
O&G, sakh. land; put in place
patents. appoint
psychol. deduce
railw. readjust
scient. elucidate (igisheva)
surg. implant (эндопротез igisheva)
tech. install; set down; customize; identify; package (зд.; прокладки и болты)
weap. replace (MingNa)
установиться v
gen. settle; come to stay; be here to stay; settle into shape; anchor; fit in; fix; install; put; set; set up; adjust; arrange; ascertain; assemble; define; determine; establish; make; mount; place; position; regulate; take seat; take position; tune (up); become settled (z484z); be established (z484z); set in (z484z); be formed (z484z); be fixed (z484z); take shape (z484z); become stable (z484z); become steady (z484z); become stationary (z484z); obtain; take root
Gruzovik take position (pf of устанавливаться)
busin. become established
econ. settle down (о ценах)
fig. jell
Gruzovik, inf. find room (pf of устанавливаться); fit in (pf of устанавливаться); take a seat (pf of устанавливаться); take one's seat (pf of устанавливаться)
inf. find room
Makarov. have come to stay; settle in (о погоде, обыкн. плохой); settle on (об атмосфере); settle over (об атмосфере); settle upon (об атмосфере)
rel., budd. gnas
law FOUND (напр., судья...., рассмотрев дело....., УСТАНОВИЛ... Elina Semykina); findings of fact and conclusions of law (строка в решении суда) Вариант хорошо ложится на нашу форму судебных решений, поскольку суд в данном случае выносит решение как по вопросам факта, так и по вопросам права (для России – только в случаях судопроизводства без участия присяжных) || This matter came on for hearing before the undersigned Judge of the District Court on the action brought by A against B to (recover something, etc.). Upon consideration of the pleadings, the Court now makes the following FINDINGS OF FACT AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW // и в конце: NOW THEREFORE, based upon the foregoing findings of fact and conclusions of law and pursuant to ..., IT IS HEREBY ORDERED (adjudged, and decreed) THAT... 4uzhoj)
установил v
gen. established the following (в судебном процессе ABelonogov); has established the following (в судебном процессе ABelonogov); has established (в судебном процессе; S.J. Reynolds ABelonogov)
установив v
math. having established; having determined
установить? v
IT would you like to install? (financial-engineer)
 Russian thesaurus
law см. тж. РЕШИЛ (4uzhoj)
установить временну́ю структу
: 1 phrase in 1 subject