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усиленно готовиться к экзаменамstresses
gen. study hard for one's examinations
Makarov. read up for examinations
усиленно готовиться к экзамену
inf. mug
Makarov., jarg., school.sl., univer. mug up (значение "усиленно готовиться" является некорректным. To mug up - to quickly try to learn the main facts about a subject, especially before an exam. "Don't just mug up on the key points you need for the exam and hope that you'll scrape through with little effort" - from "English Phrasal Verbs in Use" Bob_cat)
univer., school.sl. mug (часто mug up)
усиленно готовиться к экзаменам
: 1 phrase in 1 subject