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verb | verb | to phrases
унимать vstresses
gen. keep in; stanch; quiet; quieten; still; silence (Aly19); placate (Aly19); appease; soothe; calm; pacify; suppress (feelings); becalm (боль, гнев); control; conciliate; damp down; take down (Vadim Rouminsky); stifle (Abysslooker); stave off (Abysslooker); quell (Abysslooker); contain (Abysslooker)
Gruzovik calm (impf of унять); soothe (impf of унять); pacify (impf of унять); suppress feelings (impf of унять)
Игорь Миг shut out; dial back; tone down
Gruzovik, inf. check (impf of унять); stop (impf of унять)
Gruzovik, obs. ask to stay (impf of унять)
inf. check; stop
obs. ask to stay
relig. rebuke
Игорь Миг, fig. rein in
униматься v
gen. calm or quiet down; subside; quiet; quieten; soothe; calm; pacify; quiet down; suppress (feelings); keep in; stanch; calm down
Gruzovik calm down; quiet down (impf of уняться)
Gruzovik, inf. abate (impf of уняться); die down (impf of уняться); stop (impf of уняться); cease (impf of уняться)
inf. abate; cease; check; die down; stop; desist; persist (with не)
obs. ask to stay
унимать: 12 phrases in 4 subjects
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