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умопомрачительный adj.stresses
gen. breath-taking (Andrei Sedliarou); staggering (Anglophile); mind-bending (Anglophile); mind-boggling (огромный, большой, из "Digital Fortress" от Dan Brown qutorial); beggar belief (напр., о цене – "One of the finest pieces of laptop engineering on the market, but the price range beggars belief" – beggar – to be beyond the resources of (Collins) Aiduza); overwhelming (cognachennessy); stunning (I. Havkin); astonishing (maxim_nesterenko); devastating (devastating good looks Telecaster); a whopping (особ. о сумме денег или др. количестве: The film, a dramatization of the events surrounding union boss Jimmy Hoffa's infamous disappearance, was snapped up by Netflix for a whopping $175 million. • The sun is expected to survive for a whopping 10 million years, while massive stars live to be a mere 3 million years old because they burn up so fast. • A McDonald's Big Mac carries a whopping 590 calories and 34 grams of fat. • This jade flask was sold for a whopping £2.9 million. • A man in Russia claims to have turned torment into treasure after selling his troublesome 'psychic' cat for a whopping sum to a 'Siberian witch' that had traveled nearly 3,000 miles to procure the animal. (пример любезно предложен ART Vancouver ); astounding (предложенные другими пользователями варианты перевода "ужасающий" и жаргонизмы "офигительный", "офигенный" и "потрясный" являются грубыми стилистическими / семантическими ошибками: After several attempts at removing the critter from the tree, it finally released its grasp and fell to the ground, which kicked off a strange showdown wherein Ingram reportedly chased the animal around her home for an astounding 30 minutes as it took refuge under various pieces of furniture while she was in hot pursuit. coasttocoastam.com ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг eye-popping; mindbending; dizzying; uptown; head-turning
fig.of.sp. crazy (Alex_Odeychuk); mind-boggling (MichaelBurov)
Gruzovik, inf. prodigious; tremendous; stupendous; terrific
inf. breathtaking (KozlovVN); jaw-dropping (Andrey Truhachev); narly (igisheva); mind-blowing (Юрий Гомон); killing; monstrous (VLZ_58); fantastic
perf. mind-melting (Andrey250780)
slang cooked; bananapants (Technical); ridiculous (VLZ_58); nasty (Gobert's nasty dunks and Mitchell's 23 lead Jazz to win george serebryakov); way-out (Mr. Wolf)
умопомрачительно adv.
gen. mind-numbingly (Taras); mind-blowingly (Марчихин)
Gruzovik, inf. tremendously; unusually; stupendously
rhetor. outrageously (Alex_Odeychuk)
умопомрачительные сиськи
: 17 phrases in 6 subjects
Figure of speech1