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gen. arrange; reconcile; adjust; accommodate; fix up; compound
| конфликты
gen. conflict

verb | verb | to phrases
улаживать vstresses
gen. arrange (спор); reconcile (ссору, спор); adjust (спор); accommodate (ссору); fix up; compound; make up; compose (ссору); negotiate; iron out; patch up (ссору); set at rest (вопрос); hammer out; paper over (Anglophile); clench (спор); smooth; deal with (cognachennessy); conciliate; firm; measure; stroke; settle (settle the whole or a part of the case. CME Alexander Demidov); square; sort out; smooth the way (Taras); compromise; conclude; do; be done; liquidate; settle (a matter); clear up; set up; straighten out
Игорь Миг smooth over
amer. square up (конфликт) I want to square up whatever's wrong between us Andrey Truhachev); straighten out (дела, вопрос Taras)
arch. atone (ссору)
bible.term. satisfy (дело, арифметическую задачу)
busin. accord; get on with (smth, что-л.)
dipl. accommodate (разногласия, спор)
econ. reconcile
energ.ind. adjust (напр., спорные вопросы по контракту)
Gruzovik, inf. organize (impf of уладить)
Gruzovik, obs. prepare (impf of уладить); put right (impf of уладить)
inf. clinch (Andrey Truhachev); organize
law accommodate (спор); compose (напр., спор); sink
Makarov. dispose; firm up; hammer out (разногласия и т. п.); make up (о ссоре и т. п.); patch up (ссору, разногласия); put at rest; set at rest; smooth away (ссору, конфликт); smooth down (ссору, конфликт); smooth out (ссору, конфликт); smooth over (ссору, конфликт); smooth things over; sort out (проблемы); work out
Makarov., inf., amer. square away
med. sopite
obs., inf. prepare; put right
patents. accommodate (разногласия); fix
улаживаться v
gen. manage; fix up; get settled; settle
Gruzovik get settled (impf of уладиться)
dipl. straighten
Gruzovik, obs. become reconciled (impf of уладиться)
inf. organize; adjust; arrange
Makarov. be in a fair way; be settled; shake down; straighten out; work out; shake; iron itself out
Makarov., inf. come out in the wash
obs. reconcile
obs., inf. become reconciled; prepare; put right
up улаживать v
polit. patch (противоречия ssn)
улаживать: 89 phrases in 16 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
Mass media9