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gen. honor; favor; bestow; confer; award; deign
| ответом
gen. answer

verb | verb | to phrases
удостоиться vstresses
gen. be accorded (something); have the honor of; have the good fortune to; award (to); be awarded (a title); be given (an hono(u)r, prize, etc); be honored; be honoured; confer (on); favor; favour; honor; honour; vouchsafe
Gruzovik be awarded an honor, prize, etc (pf of удостаиваться); be given an honor, prize, etc (pf of удостаиваться); be honored with (pf of удостаиваться); be honoured with (pf of удостаиваться)
amer. merit (Her performance merited crowd's wild applause. Val_Ships)
Makarov. be honoured with; be awarded (награды)
sarcast. be privileged to (It was the first time I had been privileged to see this celebrated rozzer, of whom I had heard so much, and I think that even had the circumstances been less tense I would have paused to get an eyeful, for his, like Silversmith's, was a forceful personality, arresting the attention and causing the passer-by to draw the breath in quite a bit. (P.G. Wodehouse) – удостоился узреть ART Vancouver)
удостоить v
gen. honor; favor; bestow; confer (a title, prize, etc); award; deign (he did not deign an answer – он не удостоил нас ответом); condescend; dignify; grace; vouchsafe; favour; honour; consider worthy of; deign to give
Gruzovik favour with (pf of удостаивать); honour with (pf of удостаивать)
Игорь Миг endow with
Makarov. deign to + inf. (вниманием и т. п.); favour with (вниманием и т. п.); honour with (вниманием и т. п.); award (награды и т. п. – to someone)
notar. award (something)
удостоить ответом
: 82 phrases in 8 subjects