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gen. bomb happy
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gen. menace someone with a gun (4uzhoj); hold someone at gunpoint (4uzhoj); point a weapon towards (U.S. Airman Third Class, James Robert Hall said that Green, pointing a .45 revolver towards him, took a hatchet and broke open the lock of the gun cage in the base gun room. 4uzhoj)
Makarov. draw on (кому-либо); draw a gun on; draw upon (кому-либо)
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law.enf., formal at gunpoint (Myers was getting gas when Walter McMillian saw him at the gas station and forced him at gunpoint to get in Walter's truck and drive to Monroeville. 4uzhoj)
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gen. threaten smb. with a gun
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Makarov. threaten with a gun
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: 4 phrases in 1 subject