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уголовное процессуальное правоstresses
law law of criminal procedure
уголовно-процессуальное право
adv. law of criminal procedure
law criminal procedure law (The framework of laws and rules that govern the administration of justice in cases involving an individual who has been accused of a crime, beginning with the initial investigation of the crime and concluding either with the unconditional release of the accused by virtue of acquittal (a judgment of not guilty) or by the imposition of a term of punishment pursuant to a conviction for the crime. Legal Dict Alexander Demidov); criminal procedure; procedural criminal law; law of penal procedure
уголовно процессуальное право
law criminal procedure law (The framework of laws and rules that govern the administration of justice in cases involving an individual who has been accused of a crime, beginning with the initial investigation of the crime and concluding either with the unconditional release of the accused by virtue of acquittal (a judgment of not guilty) or by the imposition of a term of punishment pursuant to a conviction for the crime. Legal Dict Alexander Demidov)
 Russian thesaurus
уголовно-процессуальное право
gen. отрасль права, регулирующая порядок возбуждения, предварительного расследования и судебного рассмотрения уголовных дел. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
уголовное процессуальное право
: 3 phrases in 2 subjects