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verb | verb | to phrases
угнетать vstresses
gen. deject; dampen; grind; ride (о чувствах. сомнениях и т. п.); gripe; weigh down; ground; aggrieve pass; downweigh; hold under; overweigh; press; cast a damp over (someone – кого-либо); screw; bring low; tread on the neck of (кого-либо); aggrieve; get down; hold down; prey; switch off; dispirit (Aly19); rankle with (Игорь Primo); tame (чувство и т.п.); keep down; weigh upon; cast down; inhibit (growth, development, etc); exploit; hamper; harass; stifle; torment; torture; worry; throttlehold (sashkomeister); oppress; depress; damp; weigh; choke (Baihu); yoke; impede; maltreat (Andrey Truhachev); mistreat (Andrey Truhachev); victimise (kkkaat); plough upon the back; dank; suffocate (по смыслу YGA); hold one's nose to the grindle-stone (кого-л.); hold one's nose to the grindstone (кого-л.); overbear; overwhelm; plough on the back; tame down; wring; wringer; get sb. down; intimidate (Abysslooker); put down (Vadim Rouminsky)
Gruzovik exploit (impf of угнести); torment (impf of угнести); torture (impf of угнести); worry (impf of угнести); harass (impf of угнести); stifle growth, development, etc (impf of угнести); hamper growth, development, etc (impf of угнести); impede growth, development, etc (impf of угнести); inhibit growth, development, etc (impf of угнести)
ecol. overtop
fig. bite (приводить в уныние alexs2011); screw down; squeeze
forestr. suppress
Makarov. crowd; devastate; keep under; repress; trample under foot; cast a damp over (кого-либо); dash (кого-либо); dash spirits (кого-либо); bring down; dampen down; have one's foot on someone's neck (кого-либо); press on; press upon; prey on; prey upon; put one's foot on someone's neck (кого-либо); set one's foot on someone's neck (кого-либо); tread under foot; weight down
med. arrest; inhibit
obs. skringe
poetic amate
pomp. subjugate (Andrey Truhachev); enslave (Andrey Truhachev); hold someone/something under (Andrey Truhachev)
pulp.n.paper outgrow
slang turn someone off; dustain (Bonadventur); bring someone down (кого-либо; The failure of the businees brought down the staff. Провал в бизнесе угнетал персонал. Interex)
угнетаться v
gen. dispirit; inhibit (growth, development, etc); exploit; hamper; harass; stifle; torment; torture; worry; depress; impede; oppress
: 47 phrases in 11 subjects
Mass media1
Pulp and paper industry1