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уведомления о нарушенииstresses
law takedown notices (авторских прав сайтом stachel)
уведомление о нарушении
gen. notice of infringement (направляется владельцем по праву в адрес нарушителя для предупреждения о факте нарушения; знака); notice of breach (Where the R3 standard terms and conditions are incorporated in the arrangement this includes sending the debtor a notice of breach and allowing the debtor a ... | Failing to make your regular IVA [ individual voluntary arrangement] payments will put you in breach of contract with your creditors and you will probably receive a Notice of Breach from your IVA ... Alexander Demidov)
avia. notice of irregularity (iata.org Arkadi Burkov)
energ.ind. notice of violation (напр., нормального режима работы ядерного реактора и др.)
law notice of breach of contract (Alexander Demidov); warning (sankozh)
mil., WMD notice of violations; notice of violations (NOV)
patents. notice of infringement
tech. notice of violation
telecom. violation notification (oleg.vigodsky)
уведомления о нарушении
: 14 phrases in 9 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1