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noun | noun | adjective | verb | verb | to phrases
убитые nstresses
mil. 200s (MichaelBurov); kills (MichaelBurov); kills in action (MichaelBurov); killed in action (MichaelBurov); two-hundredths (MichaelBurov); cargo 200s (MichaelBurov)
убитый n
mil. killed in action (MichaelBurov); 200th (MichaelBurov); two-hundredth (MichaelBurov); kill (kills in action MichaelBurov); cargo two hundred (MichaelBurov)
убитые n
mil., lingo 200ths (MichaelBurov)
убитый n
gen. murdered
fig. person who has been killed
mil., lingo cargo 200 (MichaelBurov); done over (MichaelBurov); gonger (MichaelBurov); have it (MichaelBurov); have one (MichaelBurov)
slang used-up
убитые adj.
book., coll. the slain
uncom. the slaughter (сущ. Gruzovik); slaughter (the slaughter; сущ. Gruzovik)
убить v
gen. kill; murder; drive into despair; blight; assassinate; bag (столько-то дичи); assassin; extinguish; make away with (sb., кого-л.); send to glory; take into camp; fordo; make away; zap; burke; crease; jugulate; scupper; settle someone's hash (кого-либо); he knocked his opponent for a loop (всех); beat out brains; lay out in lavender; make away with (кого-либо); put out light (кого-либо); throw over the perch (кого-либо); spill the blood; fell; liquidate; give his gruel (кого-либо); knock for a loop (всех); put pipe out; bop; bust; make a kill; immolate; do the business for (кого-либо); kill off; make away (with); shed the blood of; bump off; take life (кого-либо); take the life of (кого-либо); do for (someone – кого-либо КГА); beat; do in; butcher; slaughter; put to death; shoot up; knock on the head; knock off the perch; bounce; pop; bring down; stiff (sea holly); take; waste; do in (them that pinched it, done her in кто шляпку украл, тот и тётку пришил CBET); put out light (ликвидировать, кого-либо); cover with (nails, etc); fill (with); snuff out (VLZ_58); zero (MichaelBurov); claim a life (The killer tornado claimed the lives of six people at the trailer park. The athlete's life was claimed in a skiing accident. КГА); take someone's life (кого-либо); determinate; determine; make an end of one (кого-л.); do the job for one (кого-л.); remove one out of the way (кого-л.); shoot; slam; stab; cut the throat; put smb. to sleep (кого́-л.); shoot smb. dead (кого-л., на́смерть); blow away; blow sb. down; chill off; do for (sb.); do the job for (sb., кого-л.); do to death; crush; destroy; drive to despair; smash; beat up; expand; hammer in all over; card разг. to cover; level; pack; beat down; compact; break; tamp; tread down; grant no quarter (КГА); stop; cover (in card games); drive in all over
amer. blast (SvyatoslavKam); pop (кого-либо; a slang word for to kill: don't pop a civilian unless identified hostile Val_Ships); take off the board (человека Taras)
amer., slang off; snuff; put the chill; put across; blip off
book. slay; dispatch
crim.law. neutralise (Yeldar Azanbayev)
euph. shift
idiom. hit like a ton of bricks (z484z); get on top of (VLZ_58); eat for breakfast (Andrey Truhachev)
idiom., explan. give someone the works (кого-либо)
inf. croak; mop; lay out; account; poop; cut down (Ant493); put away; finish off (finish someone off wandervoegel); off (someone) (Am.coll. Andrey Truhachev); smash up (Andrey Truhachev); drive (in); finish smb. off (кого́-л.); clip (LeshaAnigilatorr); cover with (nails, etc); fill (with); do; tip; 187 (to murder, kill. From the crime code used by police) Только для направления англ ⇒ рус 4uzhoj); whack (someone)(Am. sl. Andrey Truhachev); hose (someone) (sl. Andrey Truhachev); smash up (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., amer. off (преим.); waste (кого-либо)
inf., explan. finish
jarg. silence (Taras)
jarg., mil. huff
law assassinate (по политическим мотивам, по найму Право международной торговли On-Line); kill unjustifiably
Makarov. take someone's life (кого-либо); settle someone's hash (кого-либо); smite; do to death (кого-либо); do away; do for (someone – кого-либо); lay someone out in lavender (кого-либо); make away (with; кого-либо); make off (кого-либо); make with (кого-л, особ. себя); to male off (кого-либо); polish off; put someone out of the way (кого-либо); put someone's pipe out (кого-либо); snuff out; spill the blood of (someone – кого-либо); strike someone dead (кого-либо); strike down (болезнью)
Makarov., amer. take someone for a ride (кого-либо)
Makarov., inf. finish off; account for; blow someone away (кого-либо); make meat of (someone – кого-либо); tip (кого-либо)
Makarov., slang bang off (кого-либо)
math. depart; diminish; take away; decrease
med. kevorkian (I'd kevorkian this patient with my bare hands wikipedia.org wandervoegel)
media., n.amer. slay (slay somebody (especially North American English) (used especially in newspapers) to murder somebody: Two passengers were slain by the hijackers. 'More)
mil., lingo cancel (KozlovVN); eliminate (KozlovVN); terminate (KozlovVN)
obs. turn hand upon (кого-либо)
obs., lit. slay (Word forms: 3rd person singular present tense slays, present participle slaying, past tense slew, past tense slayed, past participle slain, past tense, past participle slayed // If someone slays an animal, they kill it in a violent way.: ...the hill where St George slew the dragon. 'More)
obs., Makarov. end
product. neutralize (Yeldar Azanbayev)
rude corpse
slang erase; take the rap; wipe someone off the slate; bump; bump-off; burn; chill; take somebody for a ride (кого-либо); blot someone out (кого-либо Interex); blow someone away (кого-либо; The boss said we was to blows you away if you gives us any trouble. Шеф сказал, что мы убьём тебя, если ты быдешь создавать нам проблемы. Interex); clip (кого-либо Interex); drop (кого-либо Interex); dust (кого-либо Interex); give someone the business (кого-либо Interex); hit (кого-либо Interex); hose down (someone – кого-либо Interex); knock off (кого-либо Interex); schwack (также shwack Марчихин); cool; cool off; cool out; cream; drill; drop; fix one's wagon; hurt; iron out; kiss off; lavender; lay someone out in the lavender; lay out someone lay someone out; let someone have it; push across; put on ice; put the chill on; put the chill on (someone); rap; rub out; scrag; take care of (someone); top; total; wax; wipe off; wipe out; send to the skies; write off (кого-либо); cancel someone's Christmas (Anglophile); skrag (кого-либо Interex); spoil (кого-либо Interex); take off (кого-либо Interex); pay off; ice; knock down; knock off; lynch; pop off; push off; wash out (кого-то, намеренно или случайно); whiff; put down (Lascutik); smoke (VLZ_58); put the freeze on (Odnodoom)
slang, amer. hit; smear; waste (человека)
убитый adj.
gen. written-off; out of mess; the dead man (ART Vancouver); written off; banjaxed (chiefly Irish, раздолбанный Artjaazz); done for; murderee (merriam-webster.com io_nemo); overworn (горем); the party slain; killed
Gruzovik dead; packed; leveled; compacted; tamped; dead man
book. slain (Taras)
fig. shitty (о техническом устройстве и т.п. Abysslooker); crushed (in spirit)
fig.of.sp. defeated (defeated voice Sweeterbit)
Gruzovik, fig. depressed; crushed; broken
idiom. langered (Yeldar Azanbayev)
inf. shot to death (three people were found shot to death Val_Ships); washed-up (Andrey Truhachev)
law murdered person; casualty (в период военных действий, при несчастном случае)
med. casualty (на войне)
mil. ether (код); casualty
mil., inf. used up; cazo
mil., lingo waxed (Beforeyouaccuseme)
sl., drug. stoned
slang offed; blown away (Charikova); zotz; zotzed; bombed; out of the way (Interex); piffed (Interex); X'd out (Interex); outed; all washed-up (Andrey Truhachev); iced (vogeler); chopped (MichaelBurov)
vulg. assed-out
убиться v
gen. level; pack; beat down; compact; cover with (nails, etc); fill (with); hammer in all over; tamp; tread down
Gruzovik, inf. have a fatal accident (pf of убиваться); kill oneself (pf of убиваться); commit suicide (pf of убиваться); hurt oneself (pf of убиваться); bruise oneself (pf of убиваться); grieve over (pf of убиваться); lament over (pf of убиваться); upset oneself over (pf of убиваться); waste away with grief over (pf of убиваться)
inf. be killed; work oneself to the bone; “kill oneself”; bruise oneself; commit suicide; get oneself killed; grieve (over); have a fatal accident; hurt oneself; kill oneself; lament (over); upset oneself (over); waste away with grief (over); drive (in)
slang total
убит adj.
med. killed (in battle, в бою)
mil., lingo out of mess (MichaelBurov)
mil., tech., inf. on the barbed wire
убитых adj.
neol. body count (Yeldar Azanbayev); inoperative combat personnel (Yeldar Azanbayev); no longer a factor (Yeldar Azanbayev)
"убитым" adj.
gen. taken aback with (чем-л., кем-л.)
"убить" v
comp., jarg. nuke (уничтожить, удалить VLZ_58)
comp.sl. nuke (уничтожить, удалить VLZ_58)
Убить v
lit. Remove (Американский бестселлер "Dead Aim".: Just find them and remove them so that we can concentrate on what's important to us. Precisian)
убило v
inf. I'm dying (о чём-либо смешном Юрий Гомон)
"убитый" adj.
mil. ether (код)
убитьуничтожить v
slang cancel Christmas (кого-либо; If he keeps bugging, I'm gonna cancel his Christmas. Если он будет подслушивать, я убью его. Interex)
: 747 phrases in 64 subjects
Administrative law1
American usage, not spelling3
Animal husbandry2
Animation and animated films1
Armored vehicles1
Criminal law2
Cultural studies3
Electrical engineering1
Figure of speech1
Mass media3
Military lingo12
News style1
Obsolete / dated4
Oil / petroleum1
Security systems6
Teenager slang1
United States1
Veterinary medicine3