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gen. grieve; sorrow for; eat heart out; give oneself grief
| политических
gen. political
| или
tech. ditto
| общественных деятелей
 общественный деятель
gen. public character

verb | verb | to phrases
убивать vstresses
gen. cover with (nails, etc); fill (with); deface (надежду, любовь, жизнь kee46); dash (надежду george serebryakov); make away; carry off; destruct; disanimate; end; flatten (дорогу); pass away (время); rid; speed; do violence to one; offer violence to one; wither; wizen; kill; murder; drive into despair; blight; waste; assassinate; bag; do in; assassin (предательски); erase; extinguish; make away with; deaden; pistol; snatch away; settle someone's hash (кого-либо); fake; immolate; scupper; massacre; do to death; dip hands in blood; end up; take off; crush; drive to despair; beat up; beat; butcher; slaughter (скот); put to death; pick off; clubber (You clubber me with facts Dyatlova Natalia); hammer in all over; card разг. to cover; level; pack; beat down; compact; despatch; stick; dust off (Palmirov); strike down (He was struck down by tuberculosis. VLZ_58); tamp; tread down; defeat (надежду); do; beat down у; cover (in card games); drive in all over
amer. peace out (редко, шутл.: I just peaced out that spider with my shoe Taras); scrag (кого-либо)
austral., slang knock off; take for a ride
book. slay; dispatch
busin. destroy; smash; break
comp. gun down
crim.law. neutralise (Yeldar Azanbayev)
dog. put down (bbc.co.uk Irene LEVCHUK)
fig. finish; make someone hurt (сильно расстраивать Abysslooker)
Gruzovik, inf. expand (impf of убить)
idiom. eat for breakfast (Andrey Truhachev)
inf. clobber (You clobber me with facts Dyatlova Natalia); whack (someone)(Am. sl. Andrey Truhachev); smash up (Andrey Truhachev); lay out; mop; mop up; snuff out (The soldiers had orders to snuff out any enemy guards. – У солдат был приказ убивать всех вражеских охранников. Franka_LV); do for; do away with; put away; hose (someone) (sl. Andrey Truhachev); drive (in); cover with (nails, etc); expand; fill (with); ice; off (someone) (Am.coll. Andrey Truhachev); smash up (Andrey Truhachev)
IT gun
jarg. hit (MichaelBurov)
law amortize; death
Makarov. extinguish (надежду, любовь); kill (скот, птицу); murder (жестоко, зверски); cut down; pick off (по одному); put down (старое или больное животное); shed human blood (проливать человеческую кровь)
Makarov., euph. put away (животное, обыкн. из милосердия)
Makarov., inf. do for (обыкн. pass.)
Makarov., inf., amer. look after; rub out
Makarov., slang do over
med. brought in dead
obs. perempt; quell
poetic smite
product. neutralize (Yeldar Azanbayev)
rel., christ. commit murder
slang do away with (Gang band did away with its contestants. == Банда расправилась со своими конкурентами.); knock off ("What did he actually do?" - "He knocked off the Katz Company". == "Что он сделал? - спрашивает сержант, уводя наширявшегося. "Он ограбил 'Катс Компани'", - отвечает комиссар.); blast; blot out; dump; goof up; push across; put on the spot; rub; set over; snuff; spot; squib off; stonker; whack (get whacked – будешь убит chiefcanelo); bop; push; smear; cap (Tamerlane); smoke (оставить тело в дыму от выстрела: I fucking smoked him! youtu.be vogeler); plant (You stuck by me even after I planted Bob – Ты меня не бросила даже после того, как я завалил Боба vogeler); whack (He got whacked by mobsters vogeler); croak (MichaelBurov); liquidate (MichaelBurov); stiffen
uncom. homicide; quench
vernac. settle
vulg. bump off
убиваться v
gen. grieve; sorrow for (о ком-либо); eat one's heart out over something (bookworm); give oneself grief (about Andrew Goff); level; pack; beat down; compact; cover with (nails, etc); fill (with); hammer in all over; tamp; tread down
Gruzovik, inf. have a fatal accident (impf of убиться); kill oneself (impf of убиться); commit suicide (impf of убиться); hurt oneself (impf of убиться); bruise oneself (impf of убиться); grieve over (impf of убиться); lament over (impf of убиться); upset oneself over (impf of убиться); waste away with grief over (impf of убиться)
inf. bruise oneself; commit suicide; get oneself killed; grieve (over); hurt oneself; kill oneself; lament (over); upset oneself (over); waste away with grief (over); twist oneself into a pretzel (в значении "очень стараться", "лезть из кожи вон" Yan Mazor); drive (in); be killed; work oneself to the bone; “kill oneself”
Makarov. grieve about; grieve at; grieve beyond measure; grieve for; grieve over
массовое убивать v
mil. slaughter
Убивать v
mil., lingo take names (From the U.S. military. When you kill your enemy you take their tag with name on it . So this is the way you count how many you got on your kill-list. x-z)
: 203 phrases in 35 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Computer games1
Figure of speech1
Ice hockey2
Information technology1
Mass media3
Military lingo1
Quotes and aphorisms5
Security systems1