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gen. escape; bolt; outrun; run away with; boil over; get off
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Makarov. clutter

verb | verb | to phrases
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gen. escape; bolt; outrun; run away with (с кем-либо, чем-либо); boil over (о молоке и т. п.); get off; sheer off; make off; skirr; chevy; cut; flee; go off; run off; turn one's tail (струсив); scamper; run from (от кого-либо, чего-либо); scour away; break out; outbreak; scape (из тюрьмы и т.п.); make a safe getaway (напр., от преступников Anglophile); boil over (о кипящем); fly off; cut and run; dash away (Taras); dash off (см. dash away Taras); wander away; stream away; disappear (into the distance); flit; vanish; decamp; dart away (Andrey Truhachev); dart off (Andrey Truhachev); scat; beetle off; scour off; break; run; scamper away (Taras); escape (из тюрьмы и т.п.); break out of (The murderer broke out of the prison. Ofelia); deviation; evade; fleet; take flight; flinch; fly; gambol from; make away; paddle; peg away; scud; shrink; slink; walk off; withdraw; extend (of inanimate objects); retreat; be on the run; on the run
Gruzovik run away (impf of убежать)
amer. jackrabbit (Taras)
amer., inf. light out; beat
austral., slang shoot off; shoot through; shoot the Moon
fig. stretch; avoid; shun
Gruzovik, fig. stretch (impf of убежать); shun (impf of убежать); avoid (impf of убежать)
inf. bunk; cut away; hop it; shoot; skedaddle (Andrey Truhachev); elope (Andrey Truhachev); abscond (Andrey Truhachev); scarper (Br. Andrey Truhachev); split (Andrey Truhachev); make a getaway (Andrey Truhachev)
inf., amer. put
Makarov. fling off; fly away; boil over; run away (with; с кем-либо, чем-либо); stream away (пронестись); scurry away; scurry off
Makarov., inf. beat a retreat
Makarov., inf., amer. beat it
mil. lam
mil., lingo high tail it (MichaelBurov); high tail (MichaelBurov)
obs. eschew
obs., humor. absquatulate
slang guy; scram; bug out; greyhound; shag; elude; tear off (Interex); run for it (The fans rushed the stage and the Beatles had to run for it. == Во время концерта фаны рванули на сцену и "Битлз" пришлось уносить ноги.)
slang, amer. rush (за кем-либо)
sport. run away
vernac. make one's self scarce
vulg. blow ass; haul one's ass out; prat; pratt
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Gruzovik, inf. get tired from running
убегать: 75 phrases in 14 subjects
Fish farming pisciculture1
Obsolete / dated1