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gen. having done a thorough-going evaluation (But, having done a thorough-going evaluation of the information that is available, I can say with high confidence that chemical weapons were used." (Obama) 4uzhoj)
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gen. drill down (pvconst); make a study of; go over with a fine-tooth comb (что-либо); go over with a fine-toothed comb (что-либо); get to the bottom (суть дела Евгений Киян); take a close look at (ART Vancouver)
Игорь Миг canvass
dipl. make a thorough examination (что-либо); make a study of (что-либо)
R&D. thoroughly explore (Alex_Odeychuk)
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gen. thoroughly research into (Jonathan Stromberg)
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: 14 phrases in 3 subjects
Research and development1