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gen. coward; capon; craven; dastard; piker; poltroon
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inf. and then some

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трус nstresses
gen. coward; capon; craven; dastard; piker; poltroon; quitter; chicken-heart; faint-heart; niddering; scuttler; turnback; turntail; blancher; rabbit; cissy; milksop; chicken-liver; nervous Nellie (Nelly); quakebuttock (насмешливо-презрительно Tiana_b); chicken liver; faint heart; yellow belly; wimp (someone who is not brave and tries to avoid dangerous or difficult situations Taras); fearer; funk; chickenshit (чаще слитное написание: Don't be such a chickenshit vogeler); chicken shit (чаще слитное написание vogeler); braggart; braggadocio; bragger; sneak bill; turn back
amer. limp-dick (slang; a coward of either gender: Jack is a real limp-dick Val_Ships); yellow dog
animat. fraidy cat (South_Park)
austral. wuss (Dahis)
austral., fig. dingo
austral., slang chick
brit. bottler (BroKE)
child. scaredy-cat (a person who is afraid, a coward, fraidy cat: The girls will say scaredy-cat if I don't go in the water Taras)
dipl. white feather
fig. calf; cravent
Gruzovik, obs. earthquake; trembling from fear
health. faintheart (Alexsword92)
inf. sneak; hen; punk; chicken (Not me. I don't ride a bike. I'm a chicken when it comes to motorcycles.); big girl's blouse (тж. a big girl's shirt: Hold still, you big girl's blouse! It won't hurt Taras); sneaks; sneaksby
obs. trembling (from fear); boggler; coistril; hilding; kaynard; nidget; nithing; sculker; sneakup
pejor. pussy (Huldran_666)
poetic caitiff; recreant
relig. trembler
scottish feartie (Yerkwantai); feardie (Yerkwantai)
slang yellow-belly; chickenheart; cock sucker (прозвище вызывающего антипатию мужчины); dancer; deuce; Ethel (о спортсмене); lollipop; patsy; puff; ring-tail; weak sister; yellow-belly coward; chickenshit (Andy); Caspar; chicken (Not me. I don't ride a bike. I'm a chicken when it comes to motorcycles // ART Vancouver); melt (You are an absolute melt vogeler); yellow bellied (I dunno if Crag's gonna join our team. He looks actually strong and good for defence line, but I think he's a pretty yellow bellied guy. == Я не знаю, собирается ли Крэг играть в нашей команде. Он действительно подходит для роли защитника, но, мне кажется, парень немного трусоват.)
vulg. candy ass; pucker-ass; pussy clot; yellow bastard; yellowbelly
zool., contempt. rat (убегающий как крыса с тонущего корабля)
трус: 123 phrases in 14 subjects
British usage, not spelling1
Figure of speech3
Humorous / Jocular1
Military lingo1
Obsolete / dated5