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gen. employee morale; discipline at work (Евгений Тамарченко); workplace discipline (How to Maintain Workplace Discipline (2021 Guide) The Best Approach to Workplace Discipline · Step 1: Create an Employee Handbook · Step 2: Conduct Performance Discussions · Step 3: Create a PIP. The purpose of workplace discipline is to alert employees to their behavior and actions and help them understand how these inhibit performance and ... 4 legal tips on workplace discipline · 1. Policy matters. As an employer, it's important to set some ground rules so your colleagues know exactly what kind of ... Progressive discipline is the most traditional form of workplace discipline. The severity of the corrective action is raised if an employee fails to correct ... Workplace discipline seeks to correct unacceptable employee behavior. Alexander Demidov); worker morale (This very low worker productivity may reflect poor geological conditions, a low level of mechanization, poor worker morale or a combination of these. Klimzo Alexander Demidov; "Morale" means "emotional or mental condition with respect to cheerfulness, confidence, zeal, etc., especially in the face of opposition, hardship, etc." (https://www.dictionary.com/browse/morale) - "poor worker morale" means that workers are unenthusiastic, not that they are undisciplined. Fiona Paterson; Morale: The confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time: the team’s morale was high (Oxford Dictionary of English). Дисциплина трудовая: закреплённая правом и другими социальными нормами система организационных отношений, в рамках которой происходит совместная трудовая деятельность. Воспитание нового коммунистического отношения к труду, формирование и укрепление сознательной Д. т. — сложный и длительный процесс. «Строить новую дисциплину труда, строить новые формы общественной связи между людьми, строить новые формы и приемы привлечения людей к труду, это — работа многих лет и десятилетий» (Ленин В. И., там же, т. 40, с. 316). Повседневная, упорная борьба за повышение социалистической Д. т. сочетается с постоянной заботой об улучшении условий труда работников, рациональной организацией труда, производства и управления, с быстрым внедрением достижений науки и техники в производство, что создаёт условия для укрепления Д. т. (БСЭ) Alexander Demidov); workplace morale (Employee morale or workspace morale is the morale of employees in workspace environment. It is proven to have a direct effect on productivity. Recognized as one of the major factors affecting productivity and overall financial stability of any business, low morale may lead to reduced concentration, which in turn can cause mistakes, poor customer service and missed deadlines. It also can contribute to a high turnover rate and absenteeism. wikipedia.org Alexander Demidov); staff morale (The "downsizing" of organisations has become widespread. The experience of living with the possibility of redundancy, and watching others leave, has become part of the working experience of many UK employees. How can organisations hope to maintain staff morale in such circumstances? VLZ_58); employee discipline (george serebryakov); discipline in the workplace (george serebryakov); personnel discipline (george serebryakov)
dipl. work ethic (bigmaxus)
lab.law. work discipline
law labour discipline
notar. labor discipline
трудовой дисциплины
: 21 phrases in 5 subjects
Labor law4
Notarial practice1