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тропарь nstresses
cleric. troparion; anthem (for orthodox holiday or saint's day)
Gruzovik, cleric. hymn for orthodox holiday or saint's day; anthem for orthodox holiday or saint's day
mus. troper
rel., christ. motet; anthem (on the occasion of a festival or a Saint's day)
relig. troparion (Short hymn or stanza sung in Greek Orthodox religious services)
Тропари n
dril. Tropari (A small simple to use directional surveying instrument that gives inclination and magnetic azimuth. he Tropari can be used in open holes or through rods 36mm (1.40 inches) or larger. Can be cable lowered, drill machine rod inserted, or hand inserted by lightweight rods or rope. The TROPARI weighs 90 gm (3.2 oz.) and is able to survey hole orientation and direction in any direction (unique feature) – without any consumable supplies. The instrument has a timer that is set at the surface. It is then run into the hole in a protective container to the survey position where it will lock the inclination and direction of the hole once the time has elapsed. Accessories are available for use in virtually all types and sizes of holes and drilling including wireline. vagrantius)
 Russian thesaurus
тропарь n
gen. молитвенные стихи и песнопения православной церкви в честь какого-либо праздника или святого. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
: 51 phrases in 3 subjects