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verb | verb | to phrases
тронуться vstresses
gen. start; be touched; move; gather way (о судне); go off one's chump; set out; go dotty; be off one's center; be off one's centre; take leave of one's senses (Anglophile); go off one's head (Anglophile); move off (о транспортном средстве) The train jerked and moved off slowly. / The gears clashed and ground and the bus moved off. Рина Грант); be slightly crazy; go bad; stir; affect; bother; budge; disturb; get going; start off (начать двигаться; о поезде, автомобиле TarasZ); go cuckoo (Artjaazz); be set in motion (машина тронулась – car was set into motion Rudnicki); take off (машина тронулась – the car took off Rudnicki); relent; break up (о льде)
Gruzovik be slightly covered (pf of трогаться)
athlet. move in
fig. be affected; be moved
Gruzovik, fig. be slightly crazy (pf of трогаться)
Gruzovik, inf. go bad (pf of трогаться)
idiom. be off one's beam (VLZ_58); slip a cog (VLZ_58)
inf. spoil; lose it (VLZ_58); be out of one's gourd (SirReal); run mad (Andrey Truhachev); go mad (Andrey Truhachev); go bats (Andrey Truhachev); go over the edge (george serebryakov); pull away (об автомобиле: There was a roar and a cloud of smoke as the car pulled away from the traffic lights. q3mi4); be slightly crazy (or wacky)
Makarov. have bees in the head; go barmy; have bees in the bonnet; lose one's marbles
obs. touch
psychol. crack up разг. (Andrey Truhachev); go insane (Andrey Truhachev)
slang crack; go bazonka (Morning93); slip a gear (VLZ_58); be off one's chump (Bobrovska)
тронуть v
gen. damage; touch; pester; feel; melt; put a finger; turn heart; hurt (в отрицательных конструкциях: I won't hurt you – Я вас не трону Pickman); bother; disturb; affect; stir; tamper
Gruzovik move (pf of трогать)
biol. paw
inf. start; move
Makarov. impress someone's heart (кого-либо); lay a finger on (someone – кого-либо); move someone's heart (кого-либо); put a finger on (someone – кого-либо); set a finger on (someone); пальцем; кого-либо); set a hand on (someone); пальцем; кого-либо); stir someone's heart (кого-либо); turn someone's heart (кого-либо); touch someone's heart (кого-либо)
тронувшийся prtc.
inf. crazy (Andrey Truhachev); out of gourd (VLZ_58)
obs. mindstriken
"тронуться" v
Makarov. go off one's chump; go off one's head; go round the bend
тронулся v
Makarov. off his chump
тронуло: 240 phrases in 22 subjects
American usage, not spelling1
Fish farming pisciculture1
Humorous / Jocular2
Proper and figurative1
Trade unions1