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требовать возмещение убытковstresses
gen. seek damages of; seek damages (Residents are seeking damages from the firm that polluted their drinking water. – АД); seek damages (Residents are seeking damages from the firm that polluted their drinking water. Alexander Demidov)
commer. claim damages
требовать возмещения убытков
gen. demand compensation for damages (причинённых = caused as a result of ABelonogov); claim compensation for the loss; seek indemnification (Alexander Demidov)
avia. claim damage; claim a damage payment (elena.kazan)
law seek damages
Makarov. claim compensation for losses
O&G, tengiz. claim for damages
patents. claim damages
railw. claim
torped. claim compensation
требовать возмещение убытков: 11 phrases in 5 subjects
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1