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транспортная накладнаяstresses
gen. consignment
account. delivery ticket (контекстуально Jenny1801); delivery note; carrier's note
busin. consignment document; shipped bill of lading; travel warrant
commer. way bill
comp., MS bill of lading (A business document issued by a carrier to a shipper that serves as the document of title)
construct. waybill; bill of lading
EBRD motor waybill (автодорожная raf); cons note consignment note
econ. bordereau (lcorcunov); consignment note; motor waybill; cartage note; letter of consignment
energ.ind. bill of landing
int.transport. carrier's receipt (igisheva)
law waybill (to contrast with consignment note = товарно-транспортная накладная и delivery note = товарная накладная. – АД); waybill (to contrast with consignment note = товарно-транспортная накладная и delivery note = товарная накладная. Alexander Demidov); letter of conveyance; bill of consignment; bill of freight; way-bill
logist. consignment inventory (Andy); waybill (The waybill (WB) is the shipping company's version of the consignment note but is used mainly for the shipping company's own internal tracking. It must travel with the cargo for the duration of the shipment stage. quora.com Anchovies); lorry receipt (audanto)
nautic. B/L (bill of lading wikipedia.org)
O&G, tengiz. cargo transportation way bill (из процедуры материального пропуска Yeldar Azanbayev)
product. dispatch note (алешаBG)
uncom. bill of lading (на принятие груза к перевозке морем)
транспортная накладная CMR
gen. CMR waybill (International Road Carriage Waybill CMR. CMR is type of waybill used for international carriage of goods by road. CMR Waybill is issued according to Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road which rules for contents and filling in of waybill. CMR Waybill is document which confirms ... marinatransport.eu Alexander Demidov)
железнодорожная транспортная накладная
int.transport. waybill (Waybill, bill of lading, CMR – это все транспортные накладные. Но только CMR (для автодорожного транспорта) подписывается получателем, все остальные подписываются экспедиторами на разных этапах. Bill of lading – это коносамент, waybill – ЖД накладная. Обе унифицированы и мультимодальные. Себастьян Перейра, торговец черным деревом)
Транспортная Накладная
transp. GCN (Goods Consignment Note Christie)
транспортная накладная
: 67 phrases in 19 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development1
International transportation2
Sakhalin R2