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to phrases
gen. to a hair; right to a T; to a hair's breadth; to the turn of a hair; t; exactly to a T (Peri); to a nicety (Anglophile); the exact copy of (точная копия Andrew Goff); word for word (слово в слово Andrew Goff); exactly like (Andrew Goff); detail for detail the same (Andrew Goff); point for point (Andrew Goff); to a tittle; to the life (linton); every inch (He looks every inch the City businessman. • There stood Gertrude, looking every inch a star. 4uzhoj); shot for shot (Ivan Pisarev); to a tag; precisely (I. Havkin); from point to point
Gruzovik, inf. exactly; just like; to the letter
inf. to a T; to a tee; Perfect match. (Andrey Truhachev)
Makarov. hair's breadth; to the turn of a hair
proverb be like as two eggs; like two peas in a pod
точь в точь
gen. exactly
: 15 phrases in 3 subjects