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gen. growth point (Ivan Pisarev); point of growth (Ivan Pisarev)
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gen. phyllophore (стебля); growing-point
agric. apex
biol. apical point
bot. apical growing point (стебля); apex (стебля)
ecol. growing point
genet. replicative fork (молекулярная форма, образуемая материнской и двумя дочерними двухцепочечными молекулами ДНК в процессе полуконсервативной репликации dimock)
law growth spurt (Alexander Demidov); spurt in growth (Alexander Demidov)
Makarov. apical cone; apical point (побега); growth point; vegetation cone; vegetative cone
tech. point of increase
точка роста a geographic or economic area in which there is noticeable growth Example Sentences Including "growth area" Communication is a growth area, creative writing perhaps is not. various & introduction by Deirdre Chapman A ROOMFUL OF BIRDS – SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES 1990 He says most of the students are from Asia, with the main growth area being mainland China. THE AUSTRALIAN (2004) It's a big player in wind energy, a strong growth area which the Government is keen to encourage. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (2005) Q Mobile phones and telecommunications seem to be a prosperous growth area. SUN, NEWS OF THE WORLD (1999) Since foods offer a vital growth area, what technologies does Levers need to employ to exploit it? BUSINESS TODAY (1999) The company expects that tailoring Internet technologies to improve the user experience will be a key growth area for the company. Corporate Research Foundation TOP MARKETING AND MEDIA COMPANIES IN THE UK (2002) ``Manufacturing intelligence... is our newest growth area of the business. THE ADVERTISER, SUNDAY MAIL (2004). Collins
gen. growth area (Alexander Demidov)
 Russian thesaurus
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gen. в ботанике - то же, что конус нарастания. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
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: 13 phrases in 9 subjects
Human resources1