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точек на дюйм
 точек на дюйм
comp. dpi
comp., MS dots per inch; DPI
IT points/inch; dots per inch
mil., WMD dot per inch
| Единица измерения разрешающей способности
 единицы! измерения разрешающей способности
tech. units of resolution
| устройств ввода- вывода
 устройство ввода-вывода
tech. input-output device; input-output unit; input-output
| применяемых для
 применяемый для
math. the method being applied for
| р
tech. pk
- only individual words found

to phrases
точек на дюймstresses
comp. dpi
comp., MS dots per inch (The standard used to measure screen and printer resolution, expressed as the number of dots that a device can display or print per linear inch. The greater the number of dots per inch, the better the resolution); DPI (The standard used to measure screen and printer resolution, expressed as the number of dots that a device can display or print per linear inch. The greater the number of dots per inch, the better the resolution)
IT points/inch; dots per inch
mil., WMD dot per inch (количество)
точка на дюйм
IT dot per inch
точек на дюйм. Единица измерения разрешающей способности устройств ввода- вывода , применяемых для р
: 2 phrases in 1 subject