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to phrases
тон, не допускающий возраженийstresses
gen. tone which permitted of no reply
тоном, не допускающим возражений
gen. in a voice that allowed no argument (4uzhoj); in a voice that allowed no dissent (She clenched her jaw and said in a voice that allowed no dissent, "You're staying here tonight." 4uzhoj); in a tone of voice that brooked no argument ("No you can't," she said briskly, in a tone of voice that brooked no argument. 4uzhoj); in a tone of finality (Stas-Soleil); with a tone of finality (Stas-Soleil)
тон, не допускающий возражения
gen. dogmatism
тон, не допускающий возражений
: 7 phrases in 3 subjects