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verb | verb | to phrases
теснимый prtc.stresses
gen. embattled (Andrey Truhachev); pressed (Andrey Truhachev)
теснить v
gen. drive (врага КГА); grip; gripe; jam; thrust together; urge; wring; wringer; cramp; constrict (the throat, chest, etc.); be too tight (of clothes); press up; beset; crowd; hustle; press round; push back (against; контекстуальный перевод Liv Bliss); confine; drive back; antique; throng (chilin); push aside (triumfov); jostle; oppress; push; force (Examples include hybridization between polar bears and brown bears long before modern climate change – during the most recent Ice Age, when shifting glaciers may have forced polar and grizzly bears into common regions zarazagirl); come in on (I don't like big rooms with crowds of people coming in on me. – Терпеть не могу большие, многолюдные залы, когда толпы людей теснят тебя со всех сторон. VLZ_58)
Gruzovik drive back (impf of потеснить); confine (impf of потеснить)
Игорь Миг sideline; force one's hand; unseat; outcompete; usurp; out-compete
account. drive
construct. thrust
hockey. jam in
Makarov. narrow; throw back upon; constrict; be too tight (об одежде); throw back upon; be too tight; squeeze
mil. apply pressure (on, противника); exert pressure (on, противника); apply pressure (on, противника Киселев); exert pressure (on, противника Киселев); put pressure (on; противника); force the enemy back (Рина Грант)
obs. grype; prease; press
slang, Makarov. nurse
sport., Makarov. crowd (мяч)
тесниться v
gen. cluster; hustle; press round; squash (часто squash up); huddle (тж. do ~ together); confine; constrict; crowd together for a while; drive back; jostle each another (также перен.); move up (in order to make room for someone else); press through; sit; squeeze together; stand closer; throng; stuff; jostle; squeeze (обыкн. squeeze up); be crowded together; be too tight; cram (sever_korrespondent); make oneself small (SirReal); press up to; shoal; shole; move closer together; be crowded (together); jostle each other
Gruzovik push a way through (impf of потесниться); crowd (impf of стесниться); throng (impf of стесниться); be crowded together (impf of стесниться); press through (impf of потесниться)
el. clustering; crowd
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. jostle each another (impf of стесниться)
Makarov. squeeze up; be herded (толпиться); be squeezed (ютиться, жаться); crowd in (вокруг кого-либо, чего-либо); crowd together; huddle together; press up; squash up; squeeze; huddle up
obs. press; prease
теснит v
gen. force (Examples include hybridization between polar bears and brown bears long before modern climate change – during the most recent Ice Age, when shifting glaciers may have forced polar and grizzly bears into common regions zarazagirl)
: 48 phrases in 6 subjects