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теплоэлектроцентраль nstresses
gen. thermal station; co-generation plant (ТЭЦ Lavrov); thermal power station (Alexander Demidov); central heating and power plant (eternalduck); heat and power authority (не как сама станция, а как контролирующий орган (напр., ООО "Крымтеплоэлектроцентраль") 4uzhoj); combined electric power and heat generating plant; cogeneration plant (ТЭЦ); combined heat and power production plant (ТЭЦ); combined heat power plant (ТЭЦ)
abbr. heat electric generation plant
astronaut. central utilities building
construct. heating plant; combined heat and power station; heat and power station
el. cogeneration power plant (ТЭЦ); cogeneration station (ТЭЦ); combined heat and power generating plant (ТЭЦ); heat-and-power station (ТЭЦ); steam supply and power generating plant
electr.eng. cogeneration station; combined heat-and-power station; heat-and-power station
energ.ind. CPP (ТЭЦ; co-generation power plant Peter Cantrop); co-gen (MichaelBurov); cogen (MichaelBurov); co-generation unit (MichaelBurov); steam power plant (MichaelBurov); power cogen unit (MichaelBurov); CHP plant; combined heat and power plant (тепловая электростанция, на которой производится комбинированная выработка электрической энергии и тепла для внешних потребителей,ТЭЦ); combined heat-electric generating plant; combined heat and electricity plant; district-heating plant; steam electric station; co-generation station (не рек. MichaelBurov); combined heat and power station (не рек. MichaelBurov); cogeneration station (не рек. MichaelBurov)
facil. thermal cogeneration plant
fire. heat powerplant
Gruzovik, scient. HPS (heat-and-power station)
Gruzovik, therm.energ. heating-and-power plant; combined electric-power and heat-generating plant
Makarov. combined heat and power production plant; heat-electric generation plant; power-and-heating plant; thermoelectric plant
mil., avia. combined heat and power plant
O&G thermal power plant (MichaelBurov); heat and power plant (MichaelBurov)
oil thermal-electric main line
railw. combined heat and power supply plant
tech. cogeneration plant; combined heat power plant; dual-purpose station; heat power plant; heat-electric generating plant; heat-electric generating station; heating and power plant; total energy power station; central heating-and-power plant; combined electric power-and-heat generating plant
 Russian thesaurus
теплоэлектроцентраль n
gen. тепловая электростанция, вырабатывающая не только электрическую энергию, но и тепло, отпускаемое потребителям в виде пара и горячей воды. Большой Энциклопедический словарь
abbr. ТЭЦ
brew. теплоэлектроцентраль; теплоэнергоцентраль
теплоэлектроцентраль: 18 phrases in 7 subjects
Energy industry7
Nuclear and fusion power1