
   Russian English
Google | Forvo | +
gen. as; just so; then; yes; like that; one way
| проходит
| день
gen. place
Бустофера | его
gen. his
| можно
gen. one can
| встретить
gen. meet
| то в
 то В"
IT if A then B gate
| одном
gen. single
| клубе
gen. cloud
| то в
 то В"
IT if A then B gate
| другом
gen. other
| неудивительно, что
 неудивительно, что
gen. it is no wonder
- only individual words found

noun | abbreviation | adverb | interjection | conjunction | particle | to phrases
так nstresses
gen. now then (suburbian); that way
такой n
gen. such a (+ noun/ adj.+n.); such an (+ noun/ adj.+n.)
так abbr.
construct. tak (architecture of Central Asia, архитектура Средней Азии)
так adv.
так, например; в связи с этим
gen. so, for example (в начале предложения 4uzhoj); at this rate (В.И.Макаров); in that way (таким образом; напр., ..., why refer to him in that way? Alex_Odeychuk); indicatively (как вводная фраза: The vigilance imposed by all police departments and the cooperation between different police departments has proven to be positive and now more cases are reported and more offenders are being brought to justice. Indicatively, the number of cases reported increased from 9 cases in 2000 to 91 cases in 2004 and 47 in 2005, whereas the number of persons accused increased from 18 in 2000 to 194 in 2004 and 74 in 2005.); that; so (Farrukh2012); in this manner; thus; as well as; true; in that case; when preceded and followed by the same word, a real; accordingly (kee46)
Gruzovik this way
book., arch. thus (в значении "таким образом": At length in his wavering heart was formed the fixed resolve to make appeal to a man of high estate ; and before an assemblage of all the nobles he thus began to plead: 'Avitus, saviour of the world, to whom it is no new glory to be besought by Aetius..." • Thus he spoke, and then he said to them, "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep, but I go to awake him out of sleep." – Сказав так, Он добавил: „Наш друг Лазарь уснул, но Я пойду и разбужу его". (John 11:11 RSVCE) Vakhnitsky)
inf. righty-ho (introducing a sentence in order to draw attention to the importance of what is being said: Righty-ho, let's get going. 4uzhoj)
так! adv.
lat. sic (помета, указывающая на точное соответствие оригиналу; обыкн. ставится в квадратных скобках после слова или выражения)
так int.
gen. well
так conj.
gen. so; before short-form adjectives so
так! conj.
gen. so
так part.
таким образом; так себе
gen. as; just so; then; yes; like that; one way (Очень необычный перевод "так"; обычно применяется сочетание this way, e.g.: She began her article this way. ... ART Vancouver); like this (Who could have written code like this?! — Разве можно так писать программный код?!); as much; in such a way; specifically (tavost); in this vein (Евгений Тамарченко); that way (Let's start carpooling to work. We'll save a bunch of money on gas that way. • Go to the search engines and set up alerts for your name, your company name, the title of your book or name of your products. That way you'll know who's talking about you and you can get in touch with them or respond on your own blog. AMlingua); now (linton); right on (восклицание); like; this (в знач. "настолько": Oh, and no one said that it'd be easy • But no one said it'd be this hard. (Bon Jovi) VLZ_58); thuswise; ever (Was she ever mad. markovka); I believe so; so that; and now (как начало фразы 4uzhoj); right (выражает ожидание продолжения Abysslooker); thataway (Taras); for example (Tanya Gesse); for instance (в значении "например" 4uzhoj); in this connection (и другие выражения со смыслом "в таком случае, поэтому, в связи с этим, вследствие этого" (в начале реплики) Farrukh2012); yea; correct; for example; about
inf. here we go (т-а-а-к... Tamerlane)
law wit (Tanya Gesse)
Makarov. accordingly
patents. in the effect that
так! part.
а ну-ка
gen. attention (Анна Ф)
context. that's it (так, хватит! стоп!: That's it! No more horseplay in the house. • Schneider clapped his hands loudly. "That's it, guys. Get out of here. Come on, show's over." 4uzhoj)
так? part.
gen. right?; is that it? ("And let me get another thing straight," I said. "You don't mind your wife playing around, but you don't want her playing with somebody named Vannier. Is that it?" (Raymond Chandler) ART Vancouver); would he though?
это так part.
gen. be the case (It is possible that this will turn out to be the case, of course, just as the earlier more pessimistic views might have been right. • Yet only a small proportion of business schools seem to agree that this is the case. • If this were the case they would be thus used right now.)
 Russian thesaurus
ТАК abbr.
abbr. тактическое авиационное командование (США); тяжелый авианесущий крейсер
abbr., med. тормозная аминокислота (Урфин); тормозящая аминокислота (Урфин)
abbr., mil. тактическое авиационное командование
так проходит день Бустофера, его можно встретить то в одном клубе, то в другом , неудивительно, что: 1 phrase in 1 subject