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to phrases
так оно и былоstresses
gen. be the case (Ivan Pisarev); appear to be the case (Ivan Pisarev)
так оно и есть
gen. it is so
amer. it is what it is (выражение признания правильности сказанного Val_Ships); it is what it is (на самом деле Val_Ships)
cliche. it really is ('My overall impression of CBC has always been that it is a liberal propaganda tool.' 'It really is.' (Twitter) ART Vancouver)
так оно и будет
gen. that was what would happen (контекстуальный перевод linton)
idiom. so be it (Taras)
так оно и есть!
inf. this is it (Belka Adams); that's just the way it is (Andrey Truhachev)
так оно и было
: 11 phrases in 4 subjects