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gen. just as likely (Trident); just as soon; just as well; with the same result (Anglophile); for all the good it will do you (You can argue with a racist; you can argue with a Labrador retriever, too, for all the good it will do you. • Going to church every Sunday morning doesn't make you a good Christian unless you're committed to learning and applying the values that are being taught at the service. Not even the most inspiring hymns will be able to stir your soul if your only reason for being there is to make yourself look good in front of the community. You might as well stay in bed at home for all the good it will do you. • If fighting with your friends on Facebook were a professional sport, this week would be the Super Bowl-meets-the-World Series-meets-the-NBA-Finals-meets-the-Stanley-Cup. ... I'm not saying you shouldn't participate. Who am I to tell you how to spend your days? I'm just saying you might be better off shouting into the wind for all the good it will do you and your friendships and your blood pressure. 4uzhoj); might just as well; just as easily
inf. for the same results (Lialia03)
math. equally well; as well
с тем же успехом
: 5 phrases in 2 subjects