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verb | verb | to phrases
сыплющий prtc.stresses
geol. strewing
сыпаться v
gen. spatter; pelt; rain; fray out; come down; crumble (of plaster, etc); flake off; pour out; rain down (of sounds, etc); run out; scatter; strew; dust down (driven); pour (of a dry substance); hail; snow (как снег); pour in (о новостях и т. п.); shower (о слезах, искрах, пыли); pour in (о новостях и т.п.); shed (о зерне, листьях); peel off; fly about; fall (of rain, snow, etc.)
energ.ind. rain (напр., в большом количестве)
fig. fall thick and fast (удары сыпались градом – blows were falling thick and fast VLZ_58); rain down (Daniel vaguely remembered a period of optimism a couple of years back, when a corporate tenant had finally picked up the lease on the old power plant and the town went breathless, waiting for the job offers to rain down on them. 4uzhoj); rain down
fig., inf. hurry; pour forth; rush; spout; tear along; cover (with)
geol. shower down; run (о породе)
Makarov. rain (градом); shed (shed; о зерне, листьях и т.п.); spit (spat; о снеге); crumble away; rain down (обрушиваться); shower (градом)
mining. flake
nautic. spill
сыпать v
gen. strow; pour (a dry substance); pelt; squander; pour out; rain; sift (сахаром и т. п.); pour forth (словами); fall; spout (остротами, словами kee46); come down; strew; scatter; sputter; crack; shower
fig. spout (with acc. or instr., words, information, figures, etc.); of rain, snow, etc. fall; spin off (He (Putin) doesn't spin off folk sayings or bang his shoe like Khrushchev. VLZ_58)
fig., inf. hurry; rush; cover (with)
Makarov. rain down; dust; heap
med. sprinkle
pack. charge; discharge; pour (out)
tech. spill
сы́паться v
Gruzovik fall; pour out (of granular solids); run out (of granular solids); scatter; pour forth (of sounds, etc.); crumble; flake off (of plaster, etc.)
Gruzovik, fig. run along; rush along; tear along
Gruzovik, meteorol. come down (of rain, snow, etc.)
Gruzovik, textile fray out (of fabric)
сы́пать v
Gruzovik pour
Gruzovik, meteorol. fall (of rain, snow, etc.); come down (of rain, snow, etc.)
сыпа́ть v
Gruzovik, inf. sleep (многокр. к спать); be in the habit of sleeping (многокр. к спать)
: 121 phrases in 13 subjects
Figure of speech4