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verb | verb | to phrases
сцепится vstresses
Игорь Миг feud with each other
сцепиться v
gen. gear; mesh; scrap; have a scrap with (с кем-либо); lock horns; get into a fight (bookworm); fall aboard; have a scrap with (повздорить, с кем-либо); have a run-in (with someone – с кем-либо Alexander Demidov); tangle (об автомобильной аварии Khropulek); go tooth and claw (Hereupon, the beasts, enraged at the humbug, fell upon him tooth and claw. // тж. tooth and nail: The children would go at one another tooth and nail almost every evening // We fought tooth and nail to retain our share of the business. 4uzhoj); hitch (inter); link; clutch; concatenate; connect; couple; engage; put in gear; cohere; be at loggerheads (VLZ_58); lock antlers (VLZ_58); cross swords (VLZ_58); interlock; buckle; adhere; grapple; lock (horns, bumpers, etc.); be coupled; buckle with one; come to handy gripes
Gruzovik interlink (pf of сцепляться); be coupled
Игорь Миг get into a shoving match; spat
amer., Makarov. lock (в споре)
fig. get to close quarters (в споре); unite; tie together
Gruzovik, fig. combine (pf of сцепляться); unite (pf of сцепляться)
Gruzovik, inf. come to grips with (pf of сцепляться); grapple with (pf of сцепляться)
idiom. butt heads (VLZ_58)
inf. get into it (о конфликтной ситуации; .... with someoned, ... with each other Баян); set the fur flying (igisheva); grapple (with); come to grips (with); get heated with (george serebryakov); be locked in combat
Makarov. fall aboard (с другим судном); buckle to (с противником); grapple with; have a set-to; set to (в борьбе или споре)
nautic. foul
obs. engrapple
tech. come into mesh; bite
сцепить v
gen. grapple; link; catenate; chain; concatenate; interlink; mesh; shackle; hitch (inter); clutch; connect; engage; put in gear; interlock (fingers, hands, etc.)
Gruzovik connect (pf of сцеплять); clutch (pf of сцеплять); put in gear (pf of сцеплять); engage (pf of сцеплять)
comp., MS concatenate (" To join sequentially (for example, to combine the two strings "hello" and "there" into the single string "hello there").")
fig. tie together
Gruzovik, fig. tie together (pf of сцеплять)
IT parse together (Oleg Sollogub; pUrse (and the "together" isn't always needed: "The teacher pursed her lips in disapproval"). Liv Bliss)
obs. engrapple; enchain; pleach; pleach (руки)
railw. couple; coupling up (части состава); hitch
: 40 phrases in 6 subjects