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суматоха nstresses
gen. turmoil; fuss; flurry; bustle; huddle; welter; stir; commotion; pother; rattle; sputter; tumult; helter-skelter; hugger-mugger; hurly-burly; splore; stirabout; stramash; tamasha; toing and froing; troy-fair; whoopla; ado; muss; splutter; jumble; hustle and bustle (Olga Okuneva); alarums and excursions; hurly; stirrer; flurry of activity (Tanya Gesse); hullabaloo (Interex); pandemonium (scherfas); shuffle (DC); hugger mugger; hurly burly; hurry scurry; hurry skurry; rough and tumble; troy fair; troy town; devil among the tailors; fluster; uproar; excitement (linton); clutter; confusion (Andrey Truhachev); hassle (HoldMyDrink); mayhem (Artjaazz); beargarden; ruffle; whirl; razzle-dazzle; beehive; razzle dazzle; to-do; turn-up; disturb; disturbance; do; disturbing; doing; foul doings; foul work; fracas; hurl; hurry; jumble to jumart together; kick up; noise; pudder; rig; rout; row; spatter; helter skelter; hustle and bustle; shindig; ruckus (scherfas)
Gruzovik chaos
Игорь Миг brouhaha
amer. Chinese fire drill
amer., inf. rustle
austral., slang kafuffle; kerfuffle
brit. panic stations (Изначально – команда на британских военных судах, означавшая, что всем членам экипажа нужно срочно занять свои места Yan Mazor)
dial. troy-town
dipl. carry-on (bigmaxus)
engl. carry-on (преим.)
fig. rollercoaster (This rollercoaster eventually slowed down and we were faced with stark reality. ART Vancouver)
idiom. rat race (городская Georgy Moiseenko)
inf. rumpus; shindy; hurry-scurry; to-do; scrummage; hurry-skurry; hustle (What's the hustle about? – Из-за чего это все так разбегались? L Lewis); thunderdome (Taras); dustup (Vadim Rouminsky); dust-up (Vadim Rouminsky); shemozzle (4uzhoj)
Makarov. dust
mil., lingo foul-up (MichaelBurov)
obs. coil
slang commo; dustup; razzmatazz
trav. frenzy (напр., в курортном городке Alex_Odeychuk)
Игорь Миг, bible.term. Babel
: 58 phrases in 10 subjects
Bookish / literary1
Mass media1