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gen. madman; of unsound mind
inf. psycho
law mental case
Makarov. light in the head
| день
gen. place

noun | adjective | to phrases
сумасшедший nstresses
gen. madman; of unsound mind; looney; brain-sick (Anglophile); bats in the belfry (Svetlana D); round the twist (Burdujan); crazy person (Franka_LV); shatter brained; Whack-A-Doodle (teslenkoroman); mentally disordered; madwoman; bananahooey (crazy NightHunter); batchy; batty; dotted; dotty; far-out (не о человеке Ремедиос_П); crackers (брит.: You lent him all that money? You must be crackers! vogeler); bethlehem; Jack o' Bedlam; non compos; creamer (Пример такого употребления имеется в фильме The caretaker 1963 на 86й минуте фильма imdb.com driven); cerebrose; crack brained; desperado; a distracted man; mad brain; mad brained; mad cap; non composmentis; raving mad; insane person; Jack of Bedlam; Tom o' Bedlam; Tom of Bedlam
abbr. manic (en_trance)
amer. fruit-cake (Taras); loony tune (тж. looney tune – a crazy person. From the television cartoons created by Warner Brothers beginning in 1960. The variant ‘looney tunes' is also used as a singular US, 1967 Taras)
austral. be off one's nana
austral., slang gone in the head; gone round the bend; off one's block; off one's face; off one's scone; off the air; round the bend; off one's onion
brit. mentalist (Taras); chump (to go off one's chump – спятить, "тронуться" Taras)
el. brain-damaged (напр. о программе)
humor. nutter (Franka_LV)
idiom. a few sandwiches short of a picnic (Interex)
inf. psycho; nutjob (acrogamnon); loonie (Franka_LV); stupid (усилительный эпитет Баян); nut job (Шандор); whacky-ass (bigmaxus); coo coo for cocoa puffs (chronik); cracky; crazy as a two-bob watch (австрал); mental (в т. ч. одобрительно bellb1rd); jaw-dropping (VLZ_58); out there (nadyaim); radge (Scottish/Cumbria/North-east use: crazy person, madman, an unscrupulous, devious person; to do something crazy; also radgey, or radgie: Do not argy-bargy with such radges – С такими козлами лучше не спорить Taras); nutball (Taras); certifiable (Bullfinch); huge (VLZ_58); acorns (urbandictionary.com vantus); gonzo; nutso (to go nutso • to be nutso about smb. or smth. • to drive smb. nutso Taras); whackadoodle (vstrugatsky); out of gourd (VLZ_58); hair-brained (VLZ_58); fruitcake
irish.lang. loola (Lana Falcon)
jarg. ding-a-ling (амер. жарг. Inika)
lat., Makarov. non compos mentis
law mental case
Makarov. light in the head; Jack o'Bedlam; Tom o'Bedlam; addlebrained; around the bend
obs. mad-brain; mad-brained; bethlemite
polit. reality challenged (humorously politically correct, euphemistic, of a person Taras)
slang meshugener (Anglophile); up for grabs; bananas; off one's head; off one's nut; off one's trolley; fruit loop (Oldbore); off onion; off his rocker (msterlingprice); zany; meshuger (Anglophile); meshuggah (Anglophile); meshugenah (Anglophile); postal (Merc); birdy (She acts s little birdy from time to time. Её поступки немного с "заскоком" временами. Interex); dorky (Interex); meshugah (Interex); squirrel-food (Interex); crayfish (K48); barking (somebody who is thought to be totally mad or demented, short from barking mad Katerinka912); wackadoo (chelsey rodgers); buck wild (Taras); sick (в значении "awesome" VLZ_58); nuttier than squirrel shit (VLZ_58); rowdy (urbandictionary.com NGGM); cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs (daring); insaner (по отношению к поступкам человека 1Sasha1); bats; space case (Featus); backward (VLZ_58)
vulg. crapped-out; head-the-ball; nutcase
yiddish. mashugana (grafleonov); meshuggener (VLZ_58)
mentis сумасшедший n
lat. non compos
сумасшедший adj.
gen. lunatic; bedlamite (человек); brainsick; bughouse; crazy; daffy; daft; loopy; mad; shatter-brained; crackpot; madding; unglued; unsane; crazed; demented; delirious; furious; deranged (April May); dement; frenzied
amer. fugazi (crazy, fucked up or screwed up. Coined during the Vietnam war Taras)
austral., slang queer; wacko
busin. insane
inf. loco; dippy; cuckoo; loony (lunatic); redwood
obs. bedlam; wood; dementate; phrensied
slang scatty; jeepy; unscrewed; whacky-brained; balmy; bonkers (syn.: см. marbles Taras); buggy; bugs; cock-eyed; cockeyed; cracked; dingy-dingy; funny; haywire; lousy; mishoogeh; mishugah; off; peeve; screwy; squirrel; squirrelly; wacky; whacky; unzipped; narly (Пример: "That test was NARLY dude! I'll be lucky if I pass!" Franka_LV; *g*narly Liv Bliss); scooters (Interex); squirrely (Interex); cray (син. см. crazy Taras)
сумасшедший: 228 phrases in 24 subjects
American usage, not spelling6
Figure of speech2
Humorous / Jocular1
Ice hockey1
Non-governmental organizations3
Obsolete / dated5
Oceanography & oceanology1