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gen. from all appearances; in all appearances; from the look of it (Anglophile); by all tokens (Interex); all things considered (Nailya); apparently (Tanya Gesse); by all appearances (Maria Klavdieva); seem (Min$draV); judging by everything (rechnik); everything seems to suggest that (Alexander Demidov); in the final analysis (when everything has been considered (used to suggest that a statement expresses the basic truth about a complex situation). in the final analysis it is a question of political history. NOED Alexander Demidov); in every respect (Bradshaw looked at the figure before him, a figure that, in every respect seemed to be Dr. Pretorius. Every respect, of course, that Bradshaw could see. Alexander Demidov); it all seems to point to (It all seems to point to a defective flash memory on your drive. | here it all seemed to point to a bad ground. Alexander Demidov); everything suggests (Everything suggests that the American bonds seized at Chiasso are real. Alexander Demidov); appear to be (Rori); by the sound of it (judging from what you have heard or read about something: By the sound of it, things are worse than we thought. Bullfinch); by the sound of things (judging from what you have heard or read about something: By the sound of it, things are worse than we thought. Bullfinch); from the sound of it (judging from what you have heard or read about something: By the sound of it, things are worse than we thought. Bullfinch); from the sound of things (judging from what you have heard or read about something: By the sound of it, things are worse than we thought. Bullfinch); it appears that (Lavrov); it looks like (I. Havkin); by the looks of things (superduperpuper); by the looks of it (Winter is here and by the looks of it, it's not going anywhere anytime soon. • And, by the looks of it, his new show will be just as brutal as its predecessor. 4uzhoj); on the face of it (Taras); it would appear that (Джозеф); all indications are that (Tanya Gesse); appears to be (Andy); evidently
Игорь Миг probably; all the evidence now suggests that
adv. in all appearance
amer. more likely than not (She will more than likely not get the job. Val_Ships)
idiom. by the look of things (VLZ_58); from the sound of things (VLZ_58); by the sound of things (VLZ_58); by all accounts (Welden, 18, was a sophomore at Bennington College who came from an affluent Stamford, Connecticut, family. By all accounts she was a typical young adult, possessed of neither a mischievous streak nor any interpersonal drama that could boil over into something troubling. mentalfloss.com ART Vancouver)
inf. from the look of things (From the look of things, she'd have to get used to it. Судя по всему, ей к этому придётся привыкнуть. Rust71); in all likelihood (In all likelihood, they will comply with the demands. Val_Ships)
law semble (that; сравните с sembler (= to seem/appear [to be]) во франц.: Ce résultat me semble juste. This result seems fair to me. Alex Lilo)
Makarov. to all appearances (to all appearances they seemed enthralled by what he was saying – судя по всему, они были очарованы его словами)
судя по всему: 14 phrases in 5 subjects
Quotes and aphorisms1