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gen. quail; turn yellow; be in a funk; have heart at heels; have heart in mouth; have cold feet; lose nerve; mount the white feather; show the white feather; have heart in boot; lose nerves; wimp out (Anglophile); cry craven; crap out; fly the white feather; have heart in boots; lose one's bottle (КГА); make leeway; chickened out (ThunderPetr); fear; funk; lose courage; wuss up (driven); put tail between legs; be afraid (of); turn craven (used in George R.R. Martin's "A Song of Ice and Fire" series Mr.Gone); bottle out (КГА); be a coward; be frightened (of)
austral., slang turn to jelly
fig. to chicken out
idiom. get the wind up; get cold feet; get tail down (VLZ_58)
inf. strew; collect; gather together by shaking out; powder; scatter; shake off (fruit from a tree); shake out; spread; trot; be scared shitless (Andrey Truhachev); puss out (Andrey Truhachev); sprinkle; jog; go down in one's boots (Bobrovska); get the breeze up (Bobrovska); have the breeze up (Bobrovska); bottle it (If you "bottle" something, either you don't have the nerve or courage to go through with it or you fail at it. Clepa)
inf., amer. chicken
Makarov. shoot the pit; fly the pit; turn coward; be frightened of
Makarov., inf. to wimp out
slang poop out; sell out; chicken out; punk out; tuck tail (mazurov); turn turtle (VLZ_58)
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gen. be in a funk; chicken out (Kim put my name down for a sponsored parachute jump but I chickened out at the last moment vogeler); be out of heart; have one's heart at one's heels; lose one's nerve
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Gruzovik, inf. collect by shaking out; gather together by shaking out
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gen. with one's tail between the legs; with the tail between the legs
: 15 phrases in 6 subjects
Military lingo1