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gen. cramp
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gen. against the wall

verb | verb | to phrases
стесниться vstresses
gen. cluster; constrain; constrict; cramp; cut down; embarrass; feel shy; hamper; hinder; inconvenience; inhibit; jostle each another (также перен.); limit oneself; press through; push a way through; restrain; restrict; throng; be ashamed; be crowded together; be embarrassed; be shy; be too tight
Gruzovik crowd (pf of тесниться); cluster (pf of тесниться); throng (pf of тесниться); be crowded together (pf of тесниться); limit oneself (pf of стесняться); of breathing grow difficult (pf of стесняться)
fig. oppress
Gruzovik, prop.&figur. jostle each another (pf of тесниться)
inf. squeeze
Makarov. be constrained; be constricted; be crowded; be hampered; be hindered; be impeded; be obstructed; be restricted; become labored (of breathing); restrict oneself; crowd together; become laboured (of breathing)
стеснить v
gen. cramp; cumber; embarrass; incommode; shackle; straiten; be in one's way (Я вас не стесню? – "Are you sure I'm not going to be in your way?" "Not at all, there's plenty of room here." ART Vancouver); tighten; pinch; peg down
Gruzovik constrain (pf of стесянть); squeeze (pf of теснить)
Gruzovik, fig. oppress (pf of стеснять)
Gruzovik, inf. squeeze
Makarov. constrict; crowd; hamper; handicap; hinder; lay constraint (on); obstruct; press together; put into circumscription; restrict; inhibit; be too tight (об одежде); impede; be too tight; inconvenience
math. restrain
стеснить: 21 phrases in 9 subjects
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