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gen. creep out (jodrey); give the willies (The possibility of having the NDP leader as a finance minister certainly gives me the willies. – мне от этого становится не по себе ART Vancouver); give the screaming willies (Taras)
idiom. make smb. sick to one's stomach (The thought of losing you, it made me sick to my stomach, so I ended it Taras)
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Игорь Миг it sucks (And when you lose him, it sucks.)
inf. creepy (это основные значения, обычно речь идёт о впечатлениях от общения с неприятным человеком или о ситуации, когда за вами подглядывают, вот хороший пример: "Next time you're at a Vancouver transit shelter with a digital advertising sign, look closely at the sign's frame. At eye level, you'll find a thumbnail-sized camera. Your bus stop is watching you. (...) In a shelter such as one opposite the Hotel Vancouver on Burrard Street there are four cameras. While some passers-by shrugged them off, one woman called it "creepy." Everyone asked identified the small squares as cameras." vancourier.com ART Vancouver)
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: 5 phrases in 2 subjects