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средства обеспечения безопасностиstresses
Apollo-Soyuz safety provisions
astronaut. safety devices
auto. safety (MichaelBurov)
el. security
energ.ind. safety features (на АЭС)
fish.farm. safety aids
insur. safety installations
progr. security tools (ssn)
robot. safety guard
sec.sys. safeguards; security facilities
tech. safety features (ART Vancouver)
средство обеспечения безопасности
mil. security asset; security facility
obs. safety
sec.sys. security guard
softw. security tool (John White)
tech. safety feature (A waypoint navigation system guides the vehicle from one point to another. As an added safety feature, it can be remotely controlled, monitored or stopped. -- в качестве дополнительного средства обеспечения безопасности (foxnews.com) ART Vancouver)
автономные средства обеспечения безопасности
data.prot. supportive security application
sec.sys. supportive security application (применяемые на прикладном уровне взаимодействия открытых систем)
техническое средство обеспечения безопасности
sec.sys. security product
средств обеспечения безопасности: 74 phrases in 15 subjects
Aviation medicine2
Energy industry8
Industrial hygiene1
Information security and data protection3
Information technology1
Material safety data sheet1
Nuclear physics1
Security systems9
Weapons of mass destruction1