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verb | verb | to phrases
сплетать vstresses
gen. braid; lace; brede; coin; context; crisp (ветви); enlace; graft; mat; quoin; plait; invent; intertwine; convolve; entwine; intertwist; inweave; plash; twine; twist; wreathe; pleach (особ. ветви); entwist; interknit; interwind; wattle (прутья); pleach (ветки для изгороди); unite by a splice; writhe; interlace; interweave; lock; weave; interwreathe; warp; join
agric. plash (ветви для изгороди); pleach (ветви для изгороди)
book. interplait
construct. intertwine (канат, верёвку)
el. lay
fig. forge
fig., inf. fabricate; make up
Gruzovik, fig. make up (impf of сплести); fabricate (impf of сплести)
Makarov. criss-cross (крест-накрест); intertwine; splice (концы проводов); interweave with; warp together; knit; web
math. wreath; interface
mech.eng., obs. splice
mil., tech. raddle
obs. complect
oil splice (канат)
phys. inosculate
poetic impleach
tech. splice intertwine
textile tress
сплетаться v
gen. convolve; entwine; intertwine; intertwist; twist; interknit; intervolve; braid; interweave; plait; splice; unite by a splice; interlace; weave; be locked (of arms, fingers); join; lock; entangle; twine; become entwined; become tangled; lock together
Gruzovik lock of arms, fingers (impf of сплестись); be locked of arms, fingers (impf of сплестись)
avia. wreathe
fig. become intertwined
fig., inf. fabricate; make up
Makarov. intertwine; web
phys. inosculate
tech. splice intertwine
сплетающий prtc.
math. intertwining
phys. inosculating; interweaving
сплетающийся prtc.
phys. inosculating
: 23 phrases in 8 subjects
Rail transport1
Textile industry1