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verb | verb | to phrases
спиливаться vstresses
gen. file down; saw away; saw down; saw off; smooth with a file
спиливать v
gen. dehorn; siphon (off – bribes, kickbacks / откаты etc – И значительная часть из них содержит "откаты", "спиливаются" деньги постоянно с них Andrew Goff); cream (off Andrew Goff); skim (off – bribes, kickbacks / откаты etc Andrew Goff); file away; file down; file off; smooth with a file; spirit away (illegally divert funds away Andrew Goff); saw down
Gruzovik saw away (impf of спилить); smooth with a file (impf of спилить)
forestr. saw off
Makarov. dump (отросшую часть копыта)
mil., tech. cut off
tech. saw down (дерево)
: 8 phrases in 4 subjects
Mechanic engineering1