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спецназ nstresses
mil. special operations forces (Led by Ukraine’s special operations forces and under the overall command of the Ukrainian army, the shadowy force made up of trained infiltrators and local sympathizers has been stepping up activities (...) washingtonpost.com ART Vancouver); special ops force (Marine experts in Norway believe they have stumbled upon a white whale that was trained by the Russian navy as part of a programme to use underwater mammals as a special ops force. theguardian.com ART Vancouver)
mil., inf. special forces; special operations troops (Alex_Odeychuk); Spec. Ops (CNN Alex_Odeychuk); special purpose troops; Special Operations Forces (Val_Ships)
mil., Russia Spetsnaz (т.е. армейский спецназ) Термин прекрасно узнается и понимается англоговорящими, хотя написание может варьироваться: Moscow's deployment into Belarus is believed to be its biggest there since the Cold War, with "an expected 30,000 combat troops, Spetsnaz special operation forces, fighter jets including SU-35, Iskander dual-capable missiles and S-400 air defense systems," NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on February 3. cnn.com 4uzhoj); Spetznaz (т.е. армейский спецназ) Термин прекрасно узнается и понимается англоговорящими, хотя написание может варьироваться: Entire "elite" Spetznaz units deserted to the Chechen rebels. 4uzhoj); Speznaz (т.е. армейский спецназ) Термин прекрасно узнается и понимается англоговорящими, хотя написание может варьироваться: Nato has warned that Russian forces in Belarus could reach 30,000, including Speznaz special operations forces, SU-35 fighter jets, S-400 air defence systems and Iskander missiles, which can carry nuclear weapons, and have a range of 500km. theguardian.com 4uzhoj)
news elite force (Дмитрий_Р); special ops unit (pivoine)
police, inf. Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Имеется в виду полицейский, не армейский спецназ rechnik); tactical team (тж. special weapons and tactics team Taras); SWAT (Leonid Dzhepko)
police, news paramilitary police (внутренних войск 4uzhoj)
sec.sys. special task force
 Russian thesaurus
спецназ abbr.
abbr. отряд специального назначения (Andrey Truhachev)
: 45 phrases in 10 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Intelligence and security services1
Mass media2
Military lingo1
Security systems2