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спесивый adj.stresses
gen. haughty; proud as a peacock; proud; proud stomached; hifalutin (Andrey Truhachev); highfalutin (Andrey Truhachev); bigoted (LoAndBehold); arrogant (Aly19); contemptuous; haught; high and mighty
Gruzovik conceited; lofty; stuck-up
Игорь Миг elitist
amer. pompous (he's a pompous jerk Val_Ships)
disappr. entitled (Glad to be off the North Shore now. Got fed up with the affluent types inhabiting it along with their entitlement; not to mention their precious equally entitled kiddies/teens. Used to be an idyllic, affordable, quiet place for the working people. Not anymore. ART Vancouver)
fig. turn up; upturn
inf. uppish; uppity
ironic. proud-stomached
obs. stomachful
Scotl. prideful
scottish windy
спесиво adv.
gen. proudly; haughtily
obs. pridingly
спесивый кривляка
: 9 phrases in 4 subjects
American usage, not spelling1