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gen. dormitory district (Franka_LV); bedroom suburb; bedroom community (A commuter town is an urban community that is primarily residential, from which most of the workforce commutes out to earn their livelihood. Many commuter towns act as suburbs of a nearby metropolis that workers travel to daily, and many suburbs are commuter towns. Commuter towns belong to the metropolitan area of a city, and a ring of commuter towns around an urban area is known as a commuter belt. A commuter town may also be known as a bedroom community or bedroom suburb (Canada and U.S. usage), a dormitory town (UK Commonwealth and Ireland usage), or less commonly a dormitory village (UK Commonwealth and Ireland). These terms suggest that residents sleep in these neighborhoods, but normally work elsewhere; they also suggest that these communities have little commercial or industrial activity beyond a small amount of retail, oriented toward serving the residents. wiki Alexander Demidov); bedroom district (Franka_LV); commuter town (Баян)
calque. sleeper neighbourhoods
construct. dormitory area; bedroom suburb
geogr. commuter village; dormitory village; residential area; residential district
hydrom. sleeper neighbourhood (As a result, most residents live in a vast band of "sleeper" neighbourhoods and have to travel through the "grey zone" of under-utilised factories to reach their jobs in the centre, leading to congestion in the underground and on the streets.//The Guardian, Великобритания (2016))
sociol. dormitory suburb
спальные районы
gen. bedroom communities (Alexander Demidov); commuter belt (A commuter belt is the area surrounding a large city, where many people who work in the city live. ...people who live in the commuter belt around the capital. CCALD Alexander Demidov)
спальный район
: 5 phrases in 5 subjects
Real estate1