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gen. solder; make drunk; ferruminate; alcoholize; rosin; braze
auto. solder together
avia. seam
| окончательно
gen. once and for all

verb | verb | to phrases
спаивать vstresses
gen. solder (together); make drunk; ferruminate; alcoholize; rosin; braze; knit together (ся); accustom to drinking; intoxicate; make a drunkard (of); knit (ся); weld; shut together; shut up; soder
Gruzovik give to drink (impf of споить); accustom to hard drinking (impf of споить); make a drunkard of (impf of споить)
Игорь Миг get someone hammered
auto. solder together
avia. seam
fig. to unit
Gruzovik, fig. unite (impf of спаять)
inf. lubricate; make a drunkard of
Makarov. accustom to hard drinking (вином); weld together
Makarov., obs. sew up (кого-либо)
mech.eng., obs. sweat
sport. solder
tech. seal; shut
спаиваться v
gen. accustom to drinking; give to drink; intoxicate; make a drunkard (of); make drunk; be welded
fig. be closely knit
Gruzovik, fig. become united (impf of спаяться); be closely knit (impf of спаяться)
Gruzovik, weld. be soldered together (impf of спаяться); be welded (impf of спаяться)
спаивать: 9 phrases in 3 subjects
Mechanic engineering1
Obsolete / dated4