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verb | verb | to phrases
сопровождать vstresses
gen. be in attendance; show round (Бахтияр); address (Бахтияр); counsel (at parting Бахтияр); go with (кого-либо); attend; be; bear one company; keep one company; conduce; shadow; tend; tend upon; tig; troop with; supplement (with additional material); take smb. about (кого́-л.); escort (for protection); provide; bear someone company; convoy; conduct; companion; take; wait; gallant (даму); go along with; keep company (кого-либо); take about (smb., кого́-л.); take around; cavalier; go along (with; кого-либо); usher; be in attendance (короля и т. п.); show round (во время осмотра; кого-либо); cavalier (даму); take in; see to some place (кого-либо, куда-либо); show round (кого-либо, во время осмотра); guide (Бахтияр); consort; go along (with); come along; back up (о музыке); see (кого-либо куда-либо); take down (обыкн. даму к столу); counsel (at parting); chaperone (молодую девушку и т.п.); mate; show; walk; accompany; squire; chaperon (молодую девушку); follow (кого-либо); follow up; have; lead; go hand in hand (george serebryakov); punctuate (the audience punctuated the speech by outbursts of applause)
arch., Makarov. convoy (гостей, дам)
astronaut. path (цель)
avia. intercept (Арнольдыч)
busin. accompany (smb, кого-л.)
comp., net. maintain; support
context. be someone's sidekick (кого-либо в путешествиях или приключениях на второстепенных ролях: He rides a horse named Trigger, a beautiful golden palomino. This funny old guy, Gabby Hayes, is his sidekick. Sometimes he sings cowboy songs. Surely you've seen his movies... 4uzhoj)
dipl. see to a place (кого-либо, куда-либо); take in taxes; see
ed. complement (e.g. Lectures are complemented with seminars vazik)
el. follow
fig. come with (что-л.: The columns, which unpack my experience settling into a new country and all the blunders and comical situations that come with it, have been churned out at least once a month since. (nsnews.com) ART Vancouver)
geol. associate
logist. сhaperone (Ex: chaperone representatives while on site – сопровождать представителей во время нахождения на объекте Pavelchyo)
Makarov. track (цель); track (цель, самолёт и т.п.); go along; go along with (кого-либо); keep company; see; see someone to some place (куда-либо; кого-либо); show someone into a place (куда-либо; кого-либо); show someone over a place (куда-либо; кого-либо); show someone round a place (куда-либо; кого-либо); show someone to a place (куда-либо; кого-либо); take down (кого-либо до места); accompany someone to some place (куда-либо; кого-либо); wait upon; take round; usher in; usher into
Makarov., inf. string along
math. go with; succeed
media. host (информационные ресурсы)
mil. follow (цель); escort; dwell (цель); tag
mil., lingo chase (MichaelBurov)
O&G attach
obs. company
oil track
radioloc. carry
slang go along (Jane went along with them to Mick's house. == Джейн шла вместе с ними к дому Мика. John just went along for the ride to the ball game. But he was not going to play. == Джон просто за компанию поехал с ними на игру, а вообще он играть не собирался.); shape in with
uncom. identified by (Important warnings are identified by these symbols. – Эти символы сопровождают важные предупреждения.(из инструкции) SVELT); courier (путешественников, туристов)
сопровождаться v
gen. be accompanied by; come amid (чем-либо; Increasing temperauteres of the Earth comes amid doubling carbon dioxid emissions in atmosphere. kiri11sem); address; convoy; counsel (at parting); escort; follow; guide; show round; track; be followed (by); be provided (with); be beset by (многочисленными/постоянными проблемами, тревогами и т.п. A.Rezvov); go hand in hand (george serebryakov); be confirmed by (Johnny Bravo); be accompanied (with instr., by); be escorted (by)
Gruzovik be accompanied by; be followed by; be provided with
amer. come with a price (временными неудобствами; There are a few road projects coming along designed to make your life easier, but those fixes come with a price. Val_Ships)
busin. accompany with
idiom. go hand in hand with something (If two things go hand in hand, they are closely connected and cannot be considered separately from each other. Wakeful dormouse)
Makarov. be succeeded by (чем-либо); come with; go along (чем-либо); go along with (чем-либо); be attended by (чем-либо)
math. be attended with; be followed by
mus. accompany
patents. be attended by (But feeling that valour and devotion could accomplish nothing that could compensate for the loss that must have attended the continuance of the contest, I have determined to avoid the useless sacrifice of those whose past services have endeared them to their countrymen. 4uzhoj); be attended by
сопровождается v
gen. comes with (olga garkovik)
личный сопровождать v
mil. tag
: 254 phrases in 35 subjects
Armored vehicles2
Clinical trial2
Dog breeding2
Health care1
Information technology1
International law1
Mass media4