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gen. chase away; chase out; herd together; round up; drive; corral
inf. go; herd
Makarov. drive away; drive together
| со
gen. co-
| свету
gen. world

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gen. round up (скот); drive; corral (Tanya Gesse); float (Umber); laugh (откуда-либо); raft; drive off; chase away; chase off; drive together; remove (freckles, wrinkles, etc.)
Gruzovik chase away; chase out (pf of сгонять); herd together (pf of сгонять)
Gruzovik, inf. reduce weight (pf of сгонять); take off weight (pf of сгонять)
Gruzovik, timb.float. raft (pf of сгонять); float timber (pf of сгонять)
inf. go; herd; lead; play (a game of); reduce; take off (weight)
Makarov. drive away; drive together (в одно место); laugh off (откуда-либо); laugh out of (откуда-либо)
sport. run off (жир Ant493)
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