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gen. completely different; whole different; entirely different (ssn); quite another; horse of a different color; horse of a different colour
slang far cry (Their new album was a far cry from their first one. == Их новый альбом полностью отличался от первого.); offbeat ("Linguistics used to be an offbeat field of study, but nowadays every self-respecting university has a linguistics department". == "Лингвистика была всегда особенной сферой знаний, но теперь каждый уважающий себя университет имеет лингвистический факультет", - говорит на общем собрании первокурсников декан факультета.)
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gen. quite different (Oh no, this time it is something quite different. – Нет, в этот раз это совсем другое. ART Vancouver); a whole lot different (You can learn a whole lot out of a book, but it's a whole lot different to have actually done it at some point. 4uzhoj)
idiom. a whole different ball game (No, it's a whole different ball game. • I know you think you're some hotshot just because you worked in television once, but working on a film is a whole new ball game. • I used to race dirtbikes and ATVs quite often but sportbikes are a whole different ball game. 4uzhoj); a whole new ball game (I used to babysit, but having a child of my own is a new ballgame. 4uzhoj)
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: 101 phrase in 11 subjects
American usage, not spelling2
Mass media1